Passing drug test

They do a tongue scrape, if that comes up positive then you get a saliva swab. If that comes up positive you are charged for Driving under the influence of drugs. If the swab comes up negative then the swab is sent away for a more detailed analyst and if its positive at the lab then your charged.

Wow Luke that's crazy shit. Talk about the long arm of the law. FFS a random swab with no signs of impairment. What a world we live in.
Wow Luke that's crazy shit. Talk about the long arm of the law. FFS a random swab with no signs of impairment. What a world we live in.
Revenue raising where drugs are concerned. I agree with the drinking breathalyser (and im a heavy drinker). Drink driving accidents has declined sharply here since the introduction of them but it at least has an impairment limit which is .05, some countries have .08. The drug test has no such impairment level.
Revenue raising where drugs are concerned. I agree with the drinking breathalyser (and im a heavy drinker). Drink driving accidents has declined sharply here since the introduction of them but it at least has an impairment limit which is .05, some countries have .08. The drug test has no such impairment level.

That's a bit overboard in regards to swabbing. Not only that but if you're negative they still lab it, that's insane! Where I'm from they have a standard of 50ng per L of blood for cannabis. You fail over that limit and that is usually for piss and blood test. People who are light in their cannabis use could use 1 gram at the beginning of the month and still fail. With no standards for cannabis where you're at with swabs you would still fail with less than 50ng. If you're deemed to be impaired of cannabis and it's been a month after you have ingested in any way, what happens then?

Hey, You're a good doobie for not driving drunk and being someone who drinks. I appreciate and respect that a lot, so thank you for showing respect in that manner! Where I'm from its .08 for alchohol. If you're .08 then it's under the cops discretion if they arrest or not. Usually no one is just .08 but if you are, you would have to be a serious light weight to be arrested. .08 is some craft beers lmfao..

I get being swabbed and arrested for actual drugs but cannabis that's a bit much! I'm sorry you deal with that!
That's a bit overboard in regards to swabbing. Not only that but if you're negative they still lab it, that's insane! Where I'm from they have a standard of 50ng per L of blood for cannabis. You fail over that limit and that is usually for piss and blood test. People who are light in their cannabis use could use 1 gram at the beginning of the month and still fail. With no standards for cannabis where you're at with swabs you would still fail with less than 50ng. If you're deemed to be impaired of cannabis and it's been a month after you have ingested in any way, what happens then?

Hey, You're a good doobie for not driving drunk and being someone who drinks. I appreciate and respect that a lot, so thank you for showing respect in that manner! Where I'm from its .08 for alchohol. If you're .08 then it's under the cops discretion if they arrest or not. Usually no one is just .08 but if you are, you would have to be a serious light weight to be arrested. .08 is some craft beers lmfao..

I get being swabbed and arrested for actual drugs but cannabis that's a bit much! I'm sorry you deal with that!
Its an illegal drug here so driving with it in the system means you have been doing something illegal. Impaired or not. It does suck, some proper limit would be better.
Ive driven drunk countless times, but ill admit to it and if caught I'll take the punishment without complaint. I'm not as bad as i once was though and as you said- its easy to be a little over.
A swab test don't detect THC as far as I know. Unless they're some new type of test. If it's a swab, they're looking for cocaine, benzos, opiates, meth.
There has been a saliva drug test out since 2017 in the US. It was developed by Omega Labs and use rights were sold to other labs including Quest. It can detect THC for up to 48 hours from ingestion/smoking and in some people up to 72 hours after ingestion/smoking. Many Highway Patrols use it because after a commercial carrier has been involved in an accident, they just tell the driver to hold this thing in their mouth for 5 minutes. No needing to go into a bathroom or clinic.
