Passing drug test

Hello everybody .. please tell me your experience about drug test how much time quit smoke before test day for getting negative and what you do for clean your body.. thank you
THC fat soluble so drinking water isn't going to get rid of it. You actually have to stop using until the amount going into your urine falls below the test threshold. Or use fake piss. It's mostly going to depend on your metabolism.
Most weed tests you will fail with just 50 nanograms which is very minimal. That's a joint after 2 weeks for most people!

I quit smoking for 10 months and was still dirty a few years back. I'm tall and fit with not much of a fat index too me. I worked out had lots of water intake and ate healthy. I couldn't believe after 10 months I was still dirty. It really depends on the person, its mostly stored in your fat cells and your metabolism also has a play in it. I also smoke joints like most people smoke cigarettes . At that point I had smoked for almost 3 years with no in between'.

You give vuage information. How lond did you smoke, how much did you smoke? Hight, weight would all be helpful in getting a general consensus on how much time you need. If its hair you're fucked! Fake piss works but not all kinds do, so be careful in that endeavor! Also dont get caught with it or a monkey dick, automatic fail!
My main worry is a roadside swab test. I passed one a couple days ago on the opposite side of the road i was on. They were pulling every car over. Bretho and swab. Cunts.
My main worry is a roadside swab test. I passed one a couple days ago on the opposite side of the road i was on. They were pulling every car over. Bretho and swab. Cunts.

Test for what Luke, The cannabis or the alchohol? Swab test, sounds like they are going after your dna and not looking for substance' which might hinder your driving impairment. What country is this?
Test for what Luke, The cannabis or the alchohol? Swab test, sounds like they are going after your dna and not looking for substance' which might hinder your driving impairment. What country is this?
DNA? lol no. In Australia, like allot of countries they do random alcohol tests. They also do random drug tests. Scrape the back of the tongue and they get an indication if u have consumed any and if so then get a mouth saliva test. They can and do close off a road and tests every driver.
DNA? lol no. In Australia, like allot of countries they do random alcohol tests. They also do random drug tests. Scrape the back of the tongue and they get an indication if u have consumed any and if so then get a mouth saliva test. They can and do close off a road and tests every driver.

Shit man that's insane! In the states the police conduct dui/dwi check points but they do not swab for drugs. lmao wow huh.. if you're suspected of drinking and driving they put you through a field sobriety test. In some states they will test blood but most conduct breathalyzer test's and that is it. Though not prosise, the police will warn general area and time on social media. I couldn't imagine being stopped and swabbed for drugs like that. I was being sarcastic with the dna. Although I'm surprised they dont keep the swabs and enter them into a database. Hahaha

Do they swabbed randos or just people suspected of being under the influence of drugs?
A swab test don't detect THC as far as I know. Unless they're some new type of test. If it's a swab, they're looking for cocaine, benzos, opiates, meth.
depends on the test, quick fix substitution has always worked for job related tests for me or pesting a non-smoking friend. I don't consider any of the detoxs or magic formulas worth the liver damage. Either abstain for 30 days or so, or don't give them your sample. For someone like me 30 days barely makes a dent and we still pop dirty.
A swab test don't detect THC as far as I know. Unless they're some new type of test. If it's a swab, they're looking for cocaine, benzos, opiates, meth.
yes it does.... people get booked all the time here.
"Australia has been a world leader in roadside drug testing since it was introduced in Victoria in 2004. ... Next year, NSW Police plans to conduct 200,000 roadside saliva tests and it was recently reported that the Victorian Government plans to increase the number of roadside drug tests to 400,000 over the next two years.Sep 12, 2019 "

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Shit man that's insane! In the states the police conduct dui/dwi check points but they do not swab for drugs. lmao wow huh.. if you're suspected of drinking and driving they put you through a field sobriety test. In some states they will test blood but most conduct breathalyzer test's and that is it. Though not prosise, the police will warn general area and time on social media. I couldn't imagine being stopped and swabbed for drugs like that. I was being sarcastic with the dna. Although I'm surprised they dont keep the swabs and enter them into a database. Hahaha

Do they swabbed randos or just people suspected of being under the influence of drugs?
random pull overs and they set up roadside and pull over some or all cars. Here its usually all cars. They normally set up for an hr and then move location.
Do they randomly swab you too?
They do a tongue scrape, if that comes up positive then you get a saliva swab. If that comes up positive you are charged for Driving under the influence of drugs. If the swab comes up negative then the swab is sent away for a more detailed analyst and if its positive at the lab then your charged.