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very impressive my friend and good adviceMultivitamin with B-complexes and lots of water(or any other liquid, as long as it adds up), 1/2 gal to 1 gal. It'll tint your piss back to yellow and stabilize electrolytes for the legitimacy tests. Also, don't eat for several hours before the test.
The worst that can happen if you drink too much water is they ask you to do another test, or accuse you of flushing. Get mad about it, demand a retest, they have to do it. Never confess. With over-hydration it's basically impossible to test positive for any drug metabolite.
Just read the agreement(specimen release) you sign. It clearly states over-hydration makes the test results void(at least mine did). I'd drink a half gal & take a complete multivitamin before the test, often with an hour notice or less. Passed every time. And I smoked every day, I even gave the specimen while high a few times.
you dont even need that shit. i passed at 2 mouth swabs and at least 8-10 piss test with just doing what teatreaoil said. drink a lot of water and gartorade 1/2gal minimum, the more the better, take a multivitamin, or a b12 and niacin which will turn your piss back to yellow. i smoke every day and even smoke on my way to drug tests. still pass them. haven't even had an inconclusive result where i had to retake it.i fuckin hate drug tests but anyway they sell this drink at GNC phrmacy its called Herbal Cleansing , shit works like magic
its 50 bucks though , also a lot of the thc leaves your body through sweat , so excersise or go to a Sauna