Pass me another Auto Party Cup !!!!!!


Well-Known Member
the frutta is beast lol its just starting to preflower hard >.< this one is going to be a monster


Well-Known Member
i dried my phone out on the defroster on my truck think the lens is dirty lol
Hhaha, hey whatever works! Dude we had for an hour n some minutes hail the size of pennies; It was brutal! My garage door was up and went to close itbwearing sandals (weather changes fast here, was 91 before the hail) and hurt the hell outta my toes and it cut my leg up!


Well-Known Member
same im on the gulf coast so it changes fast
just noticed you can see part of my bonsia purple haze #1 in the bottom of the second pic


Well-Known Member
its had like 10 + clones cut off of it its still in mis shapen recovery mode bout time to transplant


Well-Known Member
Glad to see they took care of you. Thankfully for us they have insurance for delivery of our beans. It makes it easier to take when customs snags them. When I started growing years ago you could really only grow what beans you found in bags or from friends. Now you can get seeds that germ, grow, and bud all in 2 months. Life is Good.


Well-Known Member
its always done that sometimes it glitches out and you dont have to
I used to be able to just hit the space bar a few times and it would work but lately it's been saying my post are too short....
even when posting a video it has happened to me a few times in the last week or so.

Thanks for letting us know sunni :)


Staff member
I used to be able to just hit the space bar a few times and it would work but lately it's been saying my post are too short....
even when posting a video it has happened to me a few times in the last week or so.

Thanks for letting us know sunni :)
because its supposed to , its so people dont spam shit


Well-Known Member
I would like to thank customs for throwing a wrench in my system .......
american breeders need to step it up in the auto dept.


Well-Known Member
figured id bump with some pics
2013-08-18 18.58.04.jpg2013-08-18 18.57.53.jpg
party cup AKR
not sure on age hasnt preflowered yet so its still a baby
2013-08-18 18.43.44.jpg2013-08-18 18.42.03.jpg
delicious seeds la frutta di venus im really liking this strain and glad that this pheno is going to be the one i get seeds from
its been showing preflower for a couple weeks now really easy to grow and is starting to fill in nicely