Well-Known Member
Nice She is looking healthyherijuanna sannies ibl
Nice She is looking healthyherijuanna sannies ibl
its regs dunno if its a girl hopefullyNice She is looking healthy
Fingers crossed for ya, Are you going to keep a journal on her?its regs dunno if its a girl hopefully
nah i never do been growing for like 7 years i dont post too many pics long ago i made the decision to post about me or pot, i choose me, im very open on riu my location, face and everything about me is on here, im not a legal grower either so , ill randomly throw out pics but ya know dont wnana cause my family issuesFingers crossed for ya, Are you going to keep a journal on her?
I got ya make sense to menah i never do been growing for like 7 years i dont post too many pics long ago i made the decision to post about me or pot, i choose me, im very open on riu my location, face and everything about me is on here, im not a legal grower either so , ill randomly throw out pics but ya know dont wnana cause my family issues
i think thats the only one that tookHow's the prego's???
thats really compact
i make hash out of my males, works well, he was very handsome.That shit used to happen to me all the time. I always uploaded the pics and was like OH FUCK. ran back to see nothing wrong. lol
You should have collected the pollenhe was a good looking plant.
awesom i have some more youmight likeAnd HOLY SHIT. Best Fireworks picture i have ever seen. Never EVER have i had a camera fast and powerful enough to do that. lol
Great shot.
yes this was areal dianosaurIs that at a museum or something? that's crazy.