party full of cops... should i go??


i would go lol, once by chance i happened to see a cpl cops from my home town at this party toking on a joint. so naturally i walked up and said hi, they smoked w/ me and every since then untill i moved every time i got pulled over one of the 2 usually came to my aid when being pulled over got me outta alot of issues mostly minor but hell its nice to have guys on the other side of the law lol :), but then they usually would try fishing for info w/ me till i flat out told em it wasnt happening lol


Well-Known Member
Go, but go cool.


Yeah, I just went there *wikid starts snapping her fingers*

LOL, sorry, I'm high, and I was going to just post "Go, but go cool" but I made a random association and had to share. I remember watching this movie when I was a kid, and wanting to go to this place where gang members were also trained dancers. I had older cousins who were in gangs, but they all just looked like cholos and I never saw any of them bust out a pirouette.

*wikid stops rambling*


New Member
Just make sure this fine lady is NOT attending the party before you use the potatoes.... :lol:



Go and befriend as many of them as possible. You never know, you might run into one of them in the future and possibly use that to get out of a speeding ticket or something.
Go and befriend as many of them as possible. You never know, you might run into one of them in the future and possibly use that to get out of a speeding ticket or something.
I'm 100% all for this. Get to know them cause it could truly pay off. Every time my girl introduces me to a family friend who happens to be in law enforcement, I get that nervous gulp in my throat, and then just start making convo. Remember, they're humans too lol They will converse especially cause they don't know anything about you.


Just bust in that motha fucka naked with resin covered hands and scream "Smells like bacon motha fucka!!"

Bob Marley Chiefs

New Member
i would go no matter what.... just think of it this way...if you talk to some of the piggly wigglys, they make take a liking to you, if pulled over by some of these cops they will think your a straight laced guy...therefore if you get pulled over they wont search your car, instead they will say hi its been a while... idk just a suggestion brotha


Well-Known Member
u should def go.. anytime im at a bar and a cops there i buyn him a drink..and at a party play beer pong funnel races etc.... yould be suprised what good can come of it;)


Active Member
u should totally go i know someone whose in the force and he says that him and his buddies(other officers) have there medical cards and everything but dont soke within 1 month of he drug tess they have to take every 4 months or sumin


Well-Known Member
man cops are some of the most corrupt... not sayin these people are but they do get roudy when they can.. go and have fun... dont tell where you live and that you grow of course

The Warlord

Well-Known Member
Personally I would not go but my police hate level is like a 19 on a scale of 1 to 10. I just couldn't do it without wanting to slip a drop of mercury into all their beers or something. Thats just me though. I would imagine your a cooler head than I am and as they say "Keep your friends close and your enemies closer". If you consider her a good friend, go.


Well-Known Member
Man I have a few friends that are cops.
I would LOVE to get around a shit load of em.
they have no clue that I'm a hard core stoner.
hahaha They thinks I'm a professional guy, never been in any trouble, so no reason to worry.