Party Cup Inquires

What kindve strips are those? I can see the part number on it, but not all the letters/numbers. And why is the one out?
They are Acuity strips from damaged light fixtures. I bought the strips way cheap off Ebay . Even if they aren't as efficient as the latest Samsungs, I suspect they are still quite efficient. I also use them for side lighting in my big tent, with 30- 2' Acuity strips overhead (which are made by Samsung but I don't know what chips they are). At the time I built the birdcage, I didn't have the correct plugs for the strips and had to solder the wires onto the plugs and one of them came loose, which is why 1 is not working there.

I just used a tomato cage and bent the strips over it and held them in place with twist ties. For power, I bought a 36 volt power supply from Amazon for around $30. I think it is a 500 watt power supply, so I can drive a lot more strips if I need to. Last grow, the light was around 80 watts IIRC.
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This is what I’m using.


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