party cup grows? post em up


Well-Known Member
because we r potheads, and we can. its all just for shits n giggles. nobody does this kind of thing to be serious.

full of purple

Well-Known Member
yea what 69 said its just for fun and besides baby plants are better in a way to me that 5feet outdoor plants there sexier


Well-Known Member
I would like to see more of this too. I have started 5 Hempy Buckets and 5 Soil Mixes in Red Solo Cups. Would like to see Other's success in this. I was just Curious....

I am also thinking about using a 32oz Gatorade bottle and wrapping the bottle in duct tape to block light.


Well-Known Member
why do everyone say its for fun and giggles when somebody talks shit about partycup grows... i know cash croppers on perpetual 12/12 starts from clones thats getting a 0z per plant at 20 plants every 2 weeks so say what u want at shit funny or nothing bad to say about the income this generates