Party Cup Grow Off! (New and Improved w/ Prizes)

a dog named chico

Well-Known Member
lol yeah look at my Purple Skunk, on her way to a 20 pounder, i started two of these on 3/28 and they are still in cups...i might have to throw one to the party cup gods...80% of my bagseed germed and then i forgot about it so they sad lol...good thing i have an ounce of bagseed.
Purple Skunk 3.28.11.jpg


Well-Known Member
OK chico; I finally got some thing going.:hump: The 2 marked cups Just got started:mrgreen: and the other 2 are the ones I had started a week before you put up your post:roll:. The 2 marked cups are some seeds I got from the guy that cuts my grass and a friend gave me some home made compost to grow in, can't wait to see what happens. :o

Well glad to see so many people wanting to try this, but like last time people couldn't see their plant go to waste in a cup. I hope we end up with more than 2 of us finishing in a cup this time. Well good luck to every body, and less see what we can do in cups.:joint::eyesmoke::eyesmoke::eyesmoke:

chico; I'll have to drop out at the end cause I ain't going to buy no scales just to weigh my cup grow:(:(. Sorry had to dump all my shit years ago.

New cups 001.jpgNew cups 002.jpgNew cups 003.jpgNew cups 004.jpg


Well-Known Member
I have 2 HALs (Hindy Kush x AK47 x Lowryder).....
I'm waiting to see if any of these 2 have the auto gene I'm looking for and a male, if they don't show I'll throw them in my flower tent to sex them and the first to show female will be my entry :leaf: It'll be a weeks but I should be able to harvest one of these on time. I also have a seed from a Sharksbreath I grew, that one has been in my flower tent sexing for the past week.
