Party Cup Grow Off! (New and Improved w/ Prizes)

This one has slowed down.... everyone waiting on there plants to grow.. and honestly.. I haven't seen many updates at all.. especialy from teh contestants..... I'm still in it to win it... not that my small budz will win.. but hey.. can't hurt to try.. c'mon guys!!!!1

I thought one of the stipulations was weekly updates.... lets get some pics rollin !!!!!!
Thats nice bro, but the contest isn't open to new contestants, but you can stick around and post pictures of it as it grows if you want. Hey, there is another one coming up, so go ahead and wait for it, it wont be long. This one is soon to end. When its all done and over the success pics will be great no doubt.
I'm in. I just started 3 today matter or fact. All frm seed, no cheating
Probably around August....our competition ends on 8/20.

Sorry for not updating lately, I've been super busy....I'm taking pictures of Erin now :)

Very nice !!! very hairy so are mine... sorry i haven't posted an update in this thread.. but you can go to my journal and see my two entries ( i just updated last-night) ... just added 130Watts of 2700k CFL's for lower lighting ... drum roll please ....... thats a grand total of ........ 530 Watts of CFL's now...
Looking good man! Can't wait to see her buds!

Erin is starting to bud up nicely....she has 6 mains tops, with one of those being a runt, and one of them being the primary. I'm guessing her average bud size will be about the same size as the wide part of the neck on a Corona bottole. Still not quite sure how tall she's gonna get, but I'll post some more pics today if i can √√
Looking good man! I'm gonna give you guys an update at lights on tomorrow...I just got back from a 2.5 day trip to the beach, and it's a 14 hr drive one way, so I'm about to crash. Hope everyone can get an update in soon! √√
No worries, she's looking great NGG, keep posting!

I had planned on taking pictures at lights on today, but my battery has been dead all day. Hopefully within an hour or so I can get the flash back, and take some pictures √

it's been about 5 weeks now, I've been battling heat pretty bad, which is why she looks so bad, but she's thick and gonna be pretty solid, I can't wait!
I really want to kick butt in the 12-12 from seed/party cup/LED/400w/airpots/organic/etc threads at the same time but I have to start it the first or second week of August. Is there any way I can... pre qualify them? Or perhaps the contest might just start by then?