Party Cup Grow- past the entry date but posting for your viewing experience!
lights: 228 watts of cfl (2 68 watters, 4 23 watters)
medium: seed starter soil that is really light and contains lesser amounts of nutes.
nutes: water during veg, FF tiger bloom + indonesian bat guano during flowering.
lights: 24/0 for 2 weeks. 20/4 for 1 week. 18/6 for 2 weeks.
staring with: 3 seeds of NYC diesel, 3 seeds Atom Smasher. 6/6 germinated, 5/6 were girls!
The first picture is a shot of all 5 of the girls, which are currently in day 19 of flowering. I lst'd them, except one. And i topped them all. Some have 2 colas, some 4, the plant i am submitting for the competition has like 5 or 6 spread out everywhere, its the second picture. This is my second time growing, I am moving to Long Beach Cali in August, I plan on getting down on some MMJ ASAP. I got some inspiration from SICC, who is all over the web on mad forums reppin his plants to the fullest. Props out to him and everyone else in the contest.

btw i'm not trying to win the competition or anything since it's past the entry date, but i thought you guys would enjoy seeing some NYC diesel in the mix!