Party Cup CFL Grow


Active Member
[QUOTE="SICC";3529746]Not too sure, i think it will be more a guideline then what you can and or cant do, havnt really got around to getting it together haha, i'll get something going, if you or anyone has any suggestions feel free to post em bongsmilie[/QUOTE]

i would suggest anything goes , but have specific time to veg (like 4 weeks) and specific time to flower (like 8-10 weeks) or smth like that , then every one chops and dries together for an equale number of days.
and ofcuz every one starts in the same size of pot . (beer cup) , but different shapes alowed , lets say a longer cup but thiner , still same oz , would be approved.
every 3 days post progress report , radius , height , nutes / no nutes , etc...

[QUOTE="SICC";3530819]Pics, she is really gettin purple, im lovin it, I got these seeds from a club, with a buch of other that they collected with the buds, i have been going to the same place for a couple years, you think maybe she is crossed with something else? or is it due to my temps, i dont checc them, but it is cold here in So cal, and i keep my window open most the time top cola and lower bud site [/QUOTE]

*removed the pics from quote*

oh man , she looks like a popsicle . i bet they sell those somewhere in amsterdam , weed popsicle . hmmm.. tasty :P


Well-Known Member
sorry if im cutting in on anything here, dont mean to step on any toes, but i did not feel like reading thru 63 pages of posts. this idea of growing good bud in party cups really interests me, so much that ive decided to give it a go myself. got one already 14 inches tall and nothing but flowers and the other 11 are sprouts. 1-3 inches tall. similar set up but 8 cfls with one monster 150 watt cfl. just wanted to dop a line and say thanks for the insperation pitbuds and sicc. might be needing some of your advice as i go along. if neone is interested i have posted this under grow journals. thanks. happy growings


Active Member
that plant looks better and better every time you post pics. im just wanting to get started.
any prizes?ill try to find a sponsor of some sort...
I assume topping wont be an issue, i bet a topped beercup plant will look nice in the end.


Well-Known Member
[quote="sicc";3530819]pics, she is really gettin purple, im lovin it, i got these seeds from a club, with a buch of other that they collected with the buds, i have been going to the same place for a couple years, you think maybe she is crossed with something else? Or is it due to my temps, i dont checc them, but it is cold here in so cal, and i keep my window open most the time top cola and lower bud site
great pics sicc love the colers in the bud !!!good grow
when u startin your sourkush?


Well-Known Member
great pics sicc love the colers in the bud !!!good grow
when u startin your sourkush?

Ima get that SK after i dry this, ima dry in the cab, for about a week or so then start curing, and get the seeds germinated :bigjoint:

thats shit look rockin my dude! im lovin the purple comin in too!
Yea me too man, shit looks so good, i cant wait to smoke her

Damn 400 is right they do get better as days go by...
that plant looks better and better every time you post pics. im just wanting to get started.
any prizes?ill try to find a sponsor of some sort...
I assume topping wont be an issue, i bet a topped beercup plant will look nice in the end.
thanks man, shes almost ready, im going to topp mine next go, try and compare results to this current grow. I cant wait to get mine going either :-P

sorry if im cutting in on anything here, dont mean to step on any toes, but i did not feel like reading thru 63 pages of posts. this idea of growing good bud in party cups really interests me, so much that ive decided to give it a go myself. got one already 14 inches tall and nothing but flowers and the other 11 are sprouts. 1-3 inches tall. similar set up but 8 cfls with one monster 150 watt cfl. just wanted to dop a line and say thanks for the insperation pitbuds and sicc. might be needing some of your advice as i go along. if neone is interested i have posted this under grow journals. thanks. happy growings

sounds good man, i'll have to looks for it

i would suggest anything goes , but have specific time to veg (like 4 weeks) and specific time to flower (like 8-10 weeks) or smth like that , then every one chops and dries together for an equale number of days.
and ofcuz every one starts in the same size of pot . (beer cup) , but different shapes alowed , lets say a longer cup but thiner , still same oz , would be approved.
every 3 days post progress report , radius , height , nutes / no nutes , etc...

*removed the pics from quote*

oh man , she looks like a popsicle . i bet they sell those somewhere in amsterdam , weed popsicle . hmmm.. tasty :P
Thank T, i like your idea, i will probably do something like that

oh muh jeezus homie... uhmmm.. your shit is looking rite brother...
good lookin out homie, good to see ya around

:weed:looking sick!, SICC:D nice bro
thanks Doc, means alot brotha :bigjoint:

that shit is looking tastey bro!
Tasty is right, she smell so good, i cant wait to get that SK going, goood lookin out dogg mad props

Everything is going smoothly, thang's jus dropping into place, just a matter of time now, im really lookin forward to the next grow, this started out really sloppy, but turned out real nice, always room for improvement


Well-Known Member
"Things you can say about marijuana, but not your girlfriend for 500 please!"

[QUOTE="SICC";3534436]Yea me too man, shit looks so good, i cant wait to smoke her[/QUOTE]



Active Member
purchased some beercups today 32 16oz dixie cups(red) im probably buying a pack of blue aswell.
I can doublecup with the red inside/blue outside.....
cant wait, seems like alot of eager people out there.


Well-Known Member
yea all i got is the blue ;)

Should be a good contest, hopefully more people will join in, i will get the thread up prob during the weekend, get more people to enter, im also doing 2 shot glasses haha. So 3 party Cup plants, and 2 shot glass's :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
SICC i just found a piece of paper in my room that i wrote the day i started flowering my girl and found out that it was sooner then i though

meaning it puts my girl i have now on day 53 of flowering not 42 soooo.... mine will be done on the 31 :)


Active Member
[QUOTE="SICC";3534599]yea all i got is the blue ;)

Should be a good contest, hopefully more people will join in, i will get the thread up prob during the weekend, get more people to enter, im also doing 2 shot glasses haha. So 3 party Cup plants, and 2 shot glass's :mrgreen:[/QUOTE]

im entering the contest with the shot glass ROFL !
this should be interesting :)
but since my plant is now 12/12 , ill do 12/12 from seed .


Active Member
SICC, shes looking so good, so pretty :-) Are you sure you are going to be able to bring yourself to harvest her when the time comes? :-) ..... shes a true specimen plant and if anybody again tries to tell us that root bound plants will die I'll point them to this thread!


Active Member
How do plants respond to 12/12 from seed?

Been watching this thread and similar ones with a lot of interest, you guys are a real help.


Active Member
How do plants respond to 12/12 from seed?

Been watching this thread and similar ones with a lot of interest, you guys are a real help.
basicly the plant doesnt have a lot of time to veg , so by that , the plant will be alot smaller than he could of been .

while flowering , the first 2-3 weeks are the weeks that plant still growing , and growing rapidly , so if ur doing 12/12 from seed, basicly ur plant didnt had enough time to grow , so ur yield would be alot smaller than a full grown plant could have made .


Well-Known Member
How do plants respond to 12/12 from seed?

Been watching this thread and similar ones with a lot of interest, you guys are a real help.

well this was supposed to be 12/12 from seed, but i went to 18/6, normal vegging hours for two weeks, then decided to flower her and go bac to 12/12, i was going to do it again, but im not, u dont wanna hermie my plants, tho i usually have strong genetics, or at least i think so, my plants have gone thru some crazy shit haha. but for 12/12 your forcing them to flower right away, they show sex usually at like 3 weeks, then you just wait after that, some like it, some dont, im fine with it, but if you can wait and vegg a lil longer, when i would start with 18/6, but some people like a quicc harvest

SICC, shes looking so good, so pretty :-) Are you sure you are going to be able to bring yourself to harvest her when the time comes? :-) ..... shes a true specimen plant and if anybody again tries to tell us that root bound plants will die I'll point them to this thread!

haha i look at her everyday when i feed her and plan out the trimming :blsmoke:

She is a beauty, even tho i got some good bud shots, i still feel like i havnt captured her full beauty, im going to do a vid next, and go over the whole plants,

im entering the contest with the shot glass ROFL !
this should be interesting :)
but since my plant is now 12/12 , ill do 12/12 from seed .
LOL cool man, i got alot of peeps doing the shot glass as well :mrgreen:


Active Member
Thanks, I have 3 growing right now all about 6" high, and from 6" to 12" across, very bushy. They have been on 6 42W cfls each in a 3 gal container since they sprouted. I FIM'd one today just as an experiment.
I am going to let them grow another week or two then go right to 12/12.
They are under a stairs in the basement and it is a bit colder than I'd like, but it is the best I can do right now. In an area 2'X3' by about 4" tall.
I am liking the cup grow and think I may do that next, hoping to pull off a SOG from bagseed.
Once in a blue moon I get totally baked with a friend or two but 98% of the time I jest need enough herb at the end of the day to take the edge of and get me to seleep soi I dont need to do any expensive, exotic seeds or anything at ths point.
Sorry to ramble, and thanks for the help, great postings!!