Party Cup CFL Grow


Well-Known Member
yeah, but vegging/flowering time will be cut in half... so i can do an auto grow while my plants veg, and do a auto grow while my others are flowering.. i am just thinking time wise from seed.. i could prolly stagger grows and be somewhat perpetual with it...
veg and flower time is cut in half and so is your yield. its pretty easy to grow a plant at any hight, if done right. I have grown LA Confidential 6 inches when compleat I have also grown it 6 feet when compleat, it all in how your grow your plant. IMO Auto's are a waste of time and money. They usually yeild small and are lackin in potancey. Although I have seen one Auto perfom well. it was ak47 auto cross and had 2 oz main bud on it. Now that plant was 3 feet tall. so I guess that takes the small stature thing out of the auto then


Well-Known Member
your plants lookin pretty "Sicc" man lol, one question tho....for you GH flora nutes are you following the feeding chart on the back or are you doin somethin you came up with on your own...cuz i have them too i was gonna save em for my hydro grow but i think theyll help this soil grow i got goin out a lot cuz im usin cheap nutes i got from walmart my sig if you wanna check it out

Edit: i dont have a sig? lol well heres the link


Well-Known Member
your plants lookin pretty "Sicc" man lol, one question tho....for you GH flora nutes are you following the feeding chart on the back or are you doin somethin you came up with on your own...cuz i have them too i was gonna save em for my hydro grow but i think theyll help this soil grow i got goin out a lot cuz im usin cheap nutes i got from walmart my sig if you wanna check it out

Edit: i dont have a sig? lol well heres the link

Yea im kinda doing my own thing, but im following the directions now since im on full strength, with anything you just want to start out at 1/4 strength, and work your way up, the charts are just a basic figure to follow, i'll stop by in your thread


Well-Known Member

3.5 Weeks since sex was shown, 5.5 weeks total for 12/12 :weed:

things are getting frosty, they will be pacing on the weight soon :eyesmoke:



Well-Known Member
Wow. Just wow! Amazing grow and Beautiful plant!

Great job SICC!

When do you plan on harvest?



Well-Known Member
Hey Sicc, just lookin at your leaves and wondering, Has it been a struggle at all keepin em heathy in those party cups? Also From first sign of sex, till now is 2.5 weeks???? It's grown that much bud in 2.5 weeks???


Well-Known Member
Hey Sicc, just lookin at your leaves and wondering, Has it been a struggle at all keepin em heathy in those party cups? Also From first sign of sex, till now is 2.5 weeks???? It's grown that much bud in 2.5 weeks???
no, i never really upped the nutes with her, since it was one plant, i was playing it safe, she was a dark green all during veg, then around the time into transition she started getting hungry, it was me who had a lil trouble keeping her healthier, my next round will be different. and its 3.5 week from the fist sign and sex, monday will be 4 weeks exactly, her pistols didnt show until 14 days exactly so 5.5 weeks total now haha, its stated in my update post

Wow. Just wow! Amazing grow and Beautiful plant!

Great job SICC!

When do you plan on harvest?

Thank DaC, she is a Beauty, Im planning on harvest either Christmas day or the 31st, that will be more around the 65 day mark, i will have to see how she looks


Well-Known Member
Woo Shes gonna have some fat ass buds on her by then!

With my grow Im 12/12 from seed. and Harvest in 60 days from sprout! I get alot of shit over it. But Im trying to perfect a technique : )

WHICH! If I do see alot of bud growth rapidly the few days before the 60 day mark I wont clip for another couple days.

Great job so far on this grow!



Well-Known Member
that looks dank sicc, keep it up
Thanks man, I'll Keep you Posted :bigjoint:

Woo Shes gonna have some fat ass buds on her by then!

With my grow Im 12/12 from seed. and Harvest in 60 days from sprout! I get alot of shit over it. But Im trying to perfect a technique : )

WHICH! If I do see alot of bud growth rapidly the few days before the 60 day mark I wont clip for another couple days.

Great job so far on this grow!

Yea man im hoping she fills in alot more, she already has alot of orange hairs, but im taking mattso advise and tryng to her as close as i can to 65 days with out trying to harvest her haha, i wanna do it on Christmas day the latest, but im going to see how she looks by then, thanks for all the comments, it means alot :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Yup Yup : ) Welcomes!

Ya shes looking beautiful! Im still freaking out about the cup! I thought that root restrictions would kill a plant!



Well-Known Member
Hell ya! Great job! I might just pop 10 seeds under my CFLs next in dixie cups! lol!

12/12 for 60 days and hope for plans like yours!



Well-Known Member
Hey sicc wassup homie...
Man just a heads up on the koolbloom...use very little of it..dont use as much as it says on the bottle..GH has a feed chart on their site tat goes with the KB,but the ppm only goes up up like 800 using that formula.We all know it needs to be higher in flower.So once you get passed that point,start weening them off the KB and raise the ppm with the bloom nutes.By this time those buds will be SWOLLEN and will swell more.
And you gotta watch if you using the FLORALICIOUS BLOOM with the KB...use less KB.
But i been doin alotta research on GH lateley.I wasnt surprised with cannas line so its GH 3 Part until i decide on another! I wanna try Advanced Nutrients with their additives.
Oh ,another thing..the FloraBlend and the other additive is VERy VERY necessary.Made a HUGE differece in first afgan grow.


Well-Known Member
Thats my grow journal. plant is a beast for my first female. what you think.
ima stop by after this

ahh I see. useing any nutes?

And you have (6) 100w CFLs right?

Yea 6 100 watt replacements, 23 actual watts, i need to get the bigger ones but there doing great, and im using the General Hydroponics Flora 3 Part Series

Along With Kool Bloom, the liquid and dry form

Hey sicc wassup homie...
Man just a heads up on the koolbloom...use very little of it..dont use as much as it says on the bottle..GH has a feed chart on their site tat goes with the KB,but the ppm only goes up up like 800 using that formula.We all know it needs to be higher in flower.So once you get passed that point,start weening them off the KB and raise the ppm with the bloom nutes.By this time those buds will be SWOLLEN and will swell more.
And you gotta watch if you using the FLORALICIOUS BLOOM with the KB...use less KB.
But i been doin alotta research on GH lateley.I wasnt surprised with cannas line so its GH 3 Part until i decide on another! I wanna try Advanced Nutrients with their additives.
Oh ,another thing..the FloraBlend and the other additive is VERy VERY necessary.Made a HUGE differece in first afgan grow.

Fa sho purp im using less KB then the bloom, im going to keep it stead for the next week or down then start going down like your chart, im loving these nutes so far :bigjoint: