Particles of dirt on buds


Active Member
I have little specs of dirt all over my very sticky buds anyone have any ideas of how to keep the buds clean so they dont get dirt all over them?


Well-Known Member
Yea, don't knock dirt on them.

There is no trick, not like there's a "dust be gone" spray you can put on your buds.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
try a balloon.Blow it up,rub it in your hair, and put it near your plant, see if it attracts the dirt.Otherwise, get a vacuum cleaner with a hose attachment, put a thin sock over it,and CAREFULLY vacuum the dirt off, like you would a pc.You could also get a can of air and try to blow it off.


Well-Known Member
how is dirt getting on your buds? not trying to be rude! but i never had dirt on my buds i only evey got dirt on my plant when i transplanted or when some got on my watering can but even then i could just shake it off when it dried. you could try blowing it off with a straw to avoid damage to the bud, maybe?


Well-Known Member
Happens to me if I knock a plant on the floor or something.
When it happens there is just no getting the dirt off the buds, they are as sticky as flypaper. You can't blow it off, vacuum it off, or anything else. I thought of trying to freeze the buds and knock it off, but then that can just knock the trichomes off too.

Smoke it dirty or make hash.


Well-Known Member
yea i would just be more carefull not to get buds dirty. but if they get to dirty you could just pick it off! alil dirt wont hurt!!!


Active Member
Yeah I know a little dirt wont kill me. I dont know how they got little specs of dirt, sometimes when it is real sunny I'll put them in the sunroom and there's always a constant breeze/wind where iIlive so maybe that did it, I dunno. I agree with that one dude though, it is impossible to get it off the bud 'cause it is so sticky. I prefer not to be pokin all at it anyways, messin up the trichs and all that. I can live with the dirt it makes it more organic haha.


Well-Known Member
Happens to me if I knock a plant on the floor or something.
When it happens there is just no getting the dirt off the buds, they are as sticky as flypaper. You can't blow it off, vacuum it off, or anything else. I thought of trying to freeze the buds and knock it off, but then that can just knock the trichomes off too.

Smoke it dirty or make hash.

hey mate ...if you have the patience-sit and roll a fat one,get a magnifieying glass and some tweezers and sit for a while and do your best at picking it out piece by piece....other than that be more carefull.....good luck hope this helps any....;-)


Well-Known Member
I knock out what chunks I can when I'm chopping a piece off to put in a bowl, just using the little scizzors but it's no big deal leaving a little dust I won't spend a lot of time on it.

I don't do it very often anyway, just sometimes shit happens.