paris hilton rules the courts

you kinda have to step back and look from a different angle. she was not born into this family by choice. imagine growing up in the environment she has and then having to deal with a normal world. i've done a night or 2 in county and it's is rather hard on the mind. especially when your are not used to being caged up.

on the other hand.... DRUNK DRIVERS KILL PEOPLE!!
blah thats just an excuss fdd...thats the same crap people spit about being raised in a racist family..its all you know...well i have know plenty of people who overcame this challange....also she is retarded an should be raped
damnit...i cant help's like a car accident on the high way...i just wanna see a body part or 2....

like this?

blah thats just an excuss fdd...thats the same crap people spit about being raised in a racist family..its all you know...well i have know plenty of people who overcame this challange....also she is retarded an should be raped

i'm up for the job. :hump::hump::hump:
ever hear of a retarded cunt...thats what she is....even if she played it up she has never stepped foot into a real debated issue' marrige..politics...she's a dumb kind looks like a stork the way she stands