paris hilton rules the courts


Well-Known Member
she got let out. the sheriff, not the judge, decided she could go how with an anklet. the judge is pissed. the sheriff is in trouble. paris said she was sick. the news said it could be anything "from a rash to a nervous breakdown". i have a feeling she is going to be in big trouble with that judge. he already has a hard-on for her. :hump::hump: | Paris Hilton may be sent back behind bars
They've got medical centers in the prisons, and prison centers in the hospitals, she should've gone to one of those.
please dont dwelve any deeper into this subject....talkin of celebraties only gives them power like this.....please cancel the thread...
If you have money you can get away with anything in this country. All created equal my ass.


I wonder if the Sheriff got in trouble or like serious trouble? Bet he got a root off her lol. She belongs behind bars!
How could they just let her out? Couldn't they treat what ever medical condition she claims to have there? That is messed up. She is one screwed up chick.
she got slapped in the face! the sheriff is going to get in trouble. i wonder what she really did in there. they have her on suicide watch in the mental ward. she is on medication now.

How does the sheriff pull the strings to release an inmate? will he be punished? i knew this was coming that is the purpose of this thread.
the fact that you sit here an talk of that dumb bitch is how this happened...she's a fuckin no talent countining any form of this only give's her more celeb didn't paris hiltin to know that the judical an prizon system is fucked up...
There's 2 million guys that deliver mail
1 million that pick up garbage
200,000 that arrest people.
1 million that are lawyers and doctors
1 millionthat work at gas stations and the list of generic mo fos just goes on and on..

There is only 1 paris hilton...

bow down you pond scum... she has blazed a unique path so the rest of the social retards i the world can live through her, judge her, love, her hate her etc,

paris is LOVE in my book