Parents found plant pleas help


Well-Known Member
What kid grows any other plant besides a pot plant./. Especially when @ home.. like yea mom, dont worry about the electricity I am using, this Fern will make you real happy when we transplant it out in the yard.


Well-Known Member
just plant your plants outside man. easy as pie. as far as i'm concerned, it's your parent's call in their own home.
if you can, do what i did when i was at home. convince your parents you need cannabis for medicinal purposes, and that growing your own is easier, healthier, and more productive than dealing with numerous doctors to acquire toxic and addictive medication. i was addicted to pills and heroin living at home when i was 16. i used cannabis to deal with quitting sleeping pills and methadone. harm reduction was growing weed in my opinion, at which point, my parents were happy to let me grow cannabis in their home. your situation should dictate your need to cannabis. if you just like getting high right now, i'm sure you can wait until its warm outside.


Active Member
I kinda lucked out cause the day my parents found out I was growing(I told them) was the first day I ever toked with me pops!! Never knew he smoked till that day. Got his ass super blown! The man takes one to two hits a day. Bit thatday we sunk 4 bowls out of my 3ft straight shot aka jack the ripper. May that piece rest in peace...