Parents found plant pleas help


Active Member
I've been growing in a little pot in my room and they've been seeing it always and it finally is starting to get out of the seedling stage and my parents randomly comes up to me and says " that looks like a pot plant"

I mean it is a pot plant but it's only three bladed still what should I do I don't want to kill it just so it doesont develop further


Well-Known Member
also posting the same thing in multiple threads yeah that'll get the attention of mods...HEY WE HAVE AN UNDERAGE GROWER HERE BITCHING ABOUT THEIR PARENTS LOL


Well-Known Member
Call the cops and tell them your parents are growing in your room. Then when they get arrested you have the whole house to yourself to grow in.


dude honestly while people are busting your balls your need to stop and think. My parents once called the cops for me crushing Rx pills that were for me so i could mix in a drink rather then be wired by taking them and it was a HUGE mess. Please understand your parents are looking out for you at anything under really 21 shouldn't be growing because you make simple mistakes like telling their friends sell to unknown people and the likes. If your living at home and your parents have already found out your not being very careful. If your looking for people to tell you to keep it just ask people at your high school cause there full of idiots and poor choices. Your asking adults for the most part here on the forums and your and idiot if you keep it. You could put your parents jobs on the line if someone ever call it in. They have good reason to not want it in that house. If you want to grow get your own place so if your busted the only one in trouble is you. I can't believe how stupid and selfish your being by wanting to keep it when they have already found it. GROW UP.


Well-Known Member
it was 1 plant? what are the laws, i grew without parent knowledge once, i did tell them about halfway through but at that time i was growing tomatos mint celantro and about 5 other things as well as bud..
i just made sure i knew the law before hand and as it turned out i was "allowed" to grow up to 5 plants without being charged, fined, or anyhting even close to being in trouble. i say find out the laws if your "allowed" to grow a certain amount tell your parents that your technically not going to get in trouble even if a cop were to come into your room and see it.

but if theres no minimum amount of plants that you have to have to be charged, id say wait 6 months and start an outdoor plot in the woods

better yet keep it in veg and tell them its hemp, which at least in canada, i dont know where you are, is legal to grow as many as you want. then when it comes spring time youlll have tons of clones


Misguided Angel
I would show my parents the respect they deserve and get rid of it. The laws are irrelevant, if your parents don't want it in their house then get your own place. Not worth the hassle bud!


Well-Known Member
At 53 It's OK if I put myself at risk but if my 18 or 20 yo grew in my house I would be pissed. I would feel that I maintain their cellphones and comps and TV's and keep them warm and fed that they were taking advantage of me. Dissed big time!!!
Never practiced HST on my kids but this might call for at least some severe LST.:twisted: I tell you what young fellow I would have grown in my parents house when I was a kid so your not alone. Just rethink it. Steal $20.00 out of Mom's pocketbook and buy a little smoke.


Well-Known Member
they probably know its a damn pot plant. who says "that looks like a pot plant".. just say yea mom, yea dad. its a pot plant.


You either gotta take a chance and find another place to plant it or get rid of the little fucker that might very well be a male anyway. If you're still dead set on it in a year and still live with mom and dad try something extremely stealthy like a micro grow. But I agree with most of these people, its too much of a risk and directly affects those around you. Just think about it a little more.

Brick Top

New Member
Kid, you NEVER grow in your parents house or on their property. NEVER. Depending on where you live and what the laws are you could cause far more problems for them and for yourself than you could begin to imagine.
I've been growing in a little pot in my room and they've been seeing it always and it finally is starting to get out of the seedling stage and my parents randomly comes up to me and says " that looks like a pot plant"

I mean it is a pot plant but it's only three bladed still what should I do I don't want to kill it just so it doesont develop further

I swear, sometimes you could not make this shit up. Grow the fuck up, get a fucking job and move the fuck out. Problem solved.