parent question


Well-Known Member
Well, after a nice wake and bake, I started thinking as most ppl do. My daughter is almost 2. Does smoking pot and even growing make you an irresponsible parent? i mean, i know pretty soon im not gonnq be able to roll up a j and spark it while watching her play on her swing set in the back yard. Even though I often enjoy getting my one on one time with her, it dumb's me up to her lvl. Just thought i'd ask to see what you guys thought. HAPPY TOKIN


Well-Known Member
Dude growing and such does NOT make you irresponsible or whatnot.
Just raise your child knowing what it is. I was raised, POT IS BAD, you
will die if you do it. It kills many people etc...Ok so yeah :?


Active Member
I am a father of 2(14 and 5), just keep it private and between the two of you in time you can talk about it and maybe when she is older share a bong, but you have to be a Good father mother to her and let her make her "own" mind up thats why we keep it private.
Drugs like guns and booze are not the devil they are not bad People are stupid and bad. If we use things for good there should never be a problem, use not abuse.


Well-Known Member
Lol, my old man got Stoned every night with this tight as black dude they called splif cliff. lol but that was back in the 80's. Shits changed since then.


Well-Known Member
don't turn your child onto weed and try to keep it private until shes at least fourteen. children at a young age are very impressionable; read her books about adventurous cats and stuff so that when shes she'll be adventurous herself and want to learn more about marijuana...perhaps try it herself.


Well-Known Member
Being a smoker/grower doesn't make you irresponsible. Your actions toward your kid/s that determines that.

We've got 7 kids aged between 10, 11, 16, 19, 20, 23 and 24.
Of the four eldest, only one is a regular smoker. One is a casual smoker, one smokes very occasionally and the other doesn't smoke at all. Curiously, that breakdown corresponds to their ages from oldest to youngest. I'd assume that the 16 year old has smoked. She drinks on occasion.
The two youngest obviously have had limited exposure to cannabis culture.

We tend to keep our smoking hidden from the youngest kids for a few reasons:

Schools have standard anti-drug education program that encourages children to tell someone if their parents 'are doing drugs'. We educate at home about the medicinal benefits of cannabis and uses of hemp if and when the subject arises.

One of our ex partners would take great delight in claiming that we were unfit parents due to our illicit drug use.


We *always* explain our beliefs about cannabis based on our experiences and research into medicinal use. We also extol the virtues of industrial hemp to all our kids when any environmental discussion arises.

When our youngest two reach their teens, we'll explain our position in respect to smoking cannabis based on our knowledge. We have done the same with the other five.


Well-Known Member
im a father myself and as parents its our decision to keep it on the dl until shes of an appropriate age to understand. But I will not slam Mj as a drug that kills, As Gryphonn said EDUCATION!!!
Theres good and bad that has to be explained. Teach your kids the truth about all drugs and make sure they understand the risks. God forbid my child ever had an illness that was termainal. But if that time came the education i gave them about Alternative medication could help ease that pain.


Well-Known Member
Do not under any circumstances let your child near it. Not that it's bad but I remember when my little brother was in like, 3rd grade they went through the elementary school and lit a joint or something (Not sure what it was, I wasn't in the room) And asked if any of the children have ever smelt it before.... Any kid that said yes automatically had there parents house searched. Not tryin to scare you, but children of that age shouldn't know anything about weed anyway.


New Member
My kids are 18 and 21 and I have smoked/grown their whole lives. I had to get inventive about where/when I smoked when they were younger. Both of my kids are in college and they both know that I smoke/grow now. My 21 year old son smokes and I don't think my 18 year daughter does.