

Active Member
Hmm I hope nothing will happen they all looked at me weird and one guy said

Watch out thats dangerous they can catch you with electricity, unless you have a generator.

I replied

"yeah, I know but I'm just reading a book"


Active Member
Its not illegal to read,and wouldnt the book store be breaking the law for selling that kind of book,I have bought books on growing at borders,heck im even a member of there book club. dont sweat it your doing nothing outside of the law. peace and grow on


Well-Known Member
If your worried about buying a book at the store, you should be scared shitless to be even looking at this website, much less a registered member with almost 200 posts on it!


Active Member
I managed a book store for many years, and we sold a large variety of books related to growing, no prob. The funniest question I got was a man asking for a book on how to make money, so I took him to our business section. He looked rather confused and said, no he wanted a book on how to MAKE money. I laughed and said I'd never seen a book on how to counterfeit. Pretty sure that kind of book would get you into trouble. Good luck, cheers.