Paranoid or what?

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
that guy who asked how much his lil bit of bud was worth (a few threads below this one ) is dodgy hes got a pic of some bud against a ruler that has the british police force emblem on it lol dodgy as fuck if u ask me


Well-Known Member
damn avatars keep changing I dont know who i'm talking to half the time...And i've only got pm's frow fdd and eastlog and I know there both cops


Well-Known Member
damn avatars keep changing I dont know who i'm talking to half the time...And i've only got pm's frow fdd and eastlog and I know there both cops

please keep my identity on the down-low. thanks, the chief is gettin' worried. says i'm "to involved" in my investigation. i told him stoners are slow and it takes time to get the info i need. so far he's buying it, but i don't know for how much longer.:mrgreen::peace::joint::joint:


Well-Known Member
oh sorry fdd I thought it was obvious but your secret is safe with me...By the way i'm watchin your show....planet earth/behind the seens or something


Well-Known Member
oh sorry fdd I thought it was obvious but your secret is safe with me...By the way i'm watchin your show....planet earth/behind the seens or something

hey, thanks. it comes on in an hour and i haven't seen that one yet. i set a reminder. thank you.:peace::peace:


Well-Known Member
that planet earth just went off and another 1 is on I havent seen any so i'm watchin it now.Oh and your welcome


Well-Known Member
pole-to-pole may be a good nature show,,, but im here to tell/warn you about downloading anything with pole-to-pole in the tagline. took 3 days on dailup for that disappointing bit of ""eww yuck""


Active Member
Yea a guy sent me a PM that was registered in dec 2006 , i just told him it was a great place to meet people and learn valuable information. Cops do come to these sites and try to make "friends", but what they going to do if you just send them nice responses?!? I am not sure if they can bust you for being nice ect. but im just waiting for the DEA to come busting into my house looking for my little grow lol that would be a retarded wast of tax money!! But Just remember do not give out your real name or location and any incriminating pictures and we should all be safe and happy!!
Keep on tokin!:bigjoint:bongsmilie:leaf::fire::weed:


Active Member
ok ,I'm new to this place and I just got a pm from this person by the name
of kaneweber I think he/she is sending a pm to who ever they see is on line at the time.maybe to try and gain your trust and then eat your babys.If its bacon he can go fuck himself.


Active Member
YES,thats the same member who pm'ed me yesterday,with exactly the same message.I think we should open a new thread entitled,CALLING KANEWEBER,WHO THE FCK ARE YOU.In the message we can ask alot of searching questions like:Do you like bacon.Do you, or have you ever, owned a set of handcuffs.or ,At work, are you busyest on friday,or saturday night.


New Member
Peterpops... it is you I have suspiscions of. You only have 30 odd posts, why would law enforcement message you? I think you are the messager and you sent out a couple of messages to others on this site to place yourself beneath our tight security veil.

Makes sense to me. You've got to look at the whole picture, always keep a look out for that slight of hand.