Paranoid or what?


Active Member
I had a P.M last night on this forum from a complete stranger.He did'nt want to ask anything specific just wanted to say that he was new to the site and wanted to say HI.....?I dont know ,but it just seemed a bit odd to me that a complete stranger would want to pm a single,virtualy unknown user like me just to say hello.Has anybody else had anything similar to this happen to them.You see i was just wandering if it is authority trying establish contact covertly to establish wether or not i'am growing ?.....or am i just being paranoid.:-|


Well-Known Member
we all get loads of pm's per day, i get one at least every hour usually more, rollitup is protecting your ip address and everything you put on here by having a secure server.

as long as you dont put any personal information on, dont show any pictures that could be used in the court of law i.e. you with a big ass smile standing next to your plant, then you should be fine.

Theres lot of other members on here that are growing quite a large quantity, they have remained safe for quite a while.


Active Member
Yea i had the same post also. Who has the time to pm people about something that dosnt make sence?


Active Member
If i was new to a site and wanted to say Hi, i would just open a thread and say hi to everyone at once, not pm an individual.seems odd.


Active Member
.....Also this guy say's he's new here but he has a join date of 28th dec 2006,no posts no threads, nothing??


Active Member
Thats exactly what i intend to do, my friend.
Its just that it makes you feel wary of posting grow questions and stuff.(Grow journal)

Johnny Kush

Well-Known Member
Thats exactly what i intend to do, my friend.
Its just that it makes you feel wary of posting grow questions and stuff.(Grow journal)
we all get loads of pm's per day, i get one at least every hour usually more, rollitup is protecting your ip address and everything you put on here by having a secure server.

as long as you dont put any personal information on, dont show any pictures that could be used in the court of law i.e. you with a big ass smile standing next to your plant, then you should be fine.

Theres lot of other members on here that are growing quite a large quantity, they have remained safe for quite a while.
Just listen to nongreenthumb.


Well-Known Member
Yo i had one (zero post or threads) that asked me to go to MSN to have a chat i was reluctant , he kept commenting me on my plants , " I never told him i had plants" , He said his dealer had just got pinched , someone referred him to me " wouldnt say who " and he wanted to know if i could hook him up . I had a Canadian avatar at the time and he wanted to meet in Calgary . Thats when i cut the chat off , I never said shit about weed the whole time and just answered his questions in a dumb fashion . This got me a bit paranoid after he was to forward for someone unknown .


Well-Known Member
you must be careful here. make friends but certainally dont trade or traffic here and make sure you give them your fake name. Investigations take months your friend might just be johnny law.


Active Member
yea i go the same post he says he's new but he created his profile December 2006 i unno bout u guys but i aint gonna answer him back lol paronoied or not fuck dat that just seems scandelous u know? lol