Paranoid or should I be worried ?

Mr. Bear

I just upgraded 3 days ago to a 600 watt Digital Greenhouse Ballast from my old magnetic 250. Ive read that digital ballast might cause RF interference and I just caught the cable guy up by the cable line and panicked and unplugged my light and put my girls by my T5. Do you guys think my digital ballast is causing interference or am I just paranoid ? Really want to return my digital ballast now and get a good old magnetic one. Oh yeah and I have a smart meter to FML !!


Well-Known Member
If your paranoid as you should be as a grower, build a "faraday cage" around your ballast.. A copper mesh cage surrounding your it. ...fuckers just installed a smart meter at my house too..I wonder if that recieves interference as well.

Mr. Bear

Lol sorry for getting you paranoid brother. The joys of growing lol. The whole reason I went with the digital ballast was because I didn't want to cause any spikes when i turned my light on but now I dont know if I should be more scared of the electric company or the cable guy. I checked the AM and FM stations on a radio I have in my grow room and got no interference so hopefully that means I'm good and and just paranoid. Regardless im going to stay vigilant now for a few days. Im definetly looking into building a "faraday cage" . Thanks for the tip. Now I just have to wait and make sure everything is cool.


Well-Known Member
If it caused enough RF interference to cause problems for nearby transmission lines, then it wouldn't be legal to sell... It is rather unlikely that it is causing issues outside your house, though I guess it's possible, especially if you have a DIY or super cheap ballast.

Mr. Bear

If it caused enough RF interference to cause problems for nearby transmission lines, then it wouldn't be legal to sell... It is rather unlikely that it is causing issues outside your house, though I guess it's possible, especially if you have a DIY or super cheap ballast.
Very good point .That makes me feel a little better.

This is the system I purchased. Anybody have any experience with it ?


Well-Known Member
lol, yeah, you are being paranoid :) If even possible, the odds of that causing problems on cable or power lines is basically nil. There are so many things you regularly run in a house that are more power than an HID is going to pull.


Well-Known Member
Being paranoid can be good at times :)

Im allmost sure that RF refers to " Radio Frequency " ...and that will have nothing to do with cable ....So the guys just checkin the line .

May be the case that the ballest messes up radio signlas ... but Cable is ether sheilded cable or optical fiber .... so the chances of your ballest doing anything that would cause the cable guy to be there is below zero :)

BUT .....

That does beg the question ..... are you sure the cable guy is the cable guy ? ..... Is he driving a black van that seems to be rocking a bit ? :)


I work for the cable company in my area and can tell you that you have nothing to worry about. While you may have a direct line into your house, either by pole or in the ground, you still receive cable from a source that supplies hundreds to thousands of people with cable by looping from one to the next. Thus why cable will go out or experience technical difficulties in rather large areas. If your balast were to cause interference, it would take quite a while to pinpoint where it came from. If they were to find that you were emmitting interference to their lines, they would simply put a filter in your line at the box.
You have nothing to worry about my friend. Enjoy!!!


Active Member
paranoia cha cha cha. Hopefully those ballasts are UL listed!!!!!!!!??????? Think ill stick with ol' reliables, why would i want big brother to be able to ride around with a radar gun and find me. If they do emit interference, it shouldn't radiate more than 20-30'. And, it is probably in the microwave range, which would never come through on radio stations.


Well-Known Member
you might wanna build a hat out of aluminum foil and where it when your lights are on just in case. lolol. i think you fine but stay paranoid it will help keep you out touble

Mr. Bear

I work for the cable company in my area and can tell you that you have nothing to worry about. While you may have a direct line into your house, either by pole or in the ground, you still receive cable from a source that supplies hundreds to thousands of people with cable by looping from one to the next. Thus why cable will go out or experience technical difficulties in rather large areas. If your balast were to cause interference, it would take quite a while to pinpoint where it came from. If they were to find that you were emmitting interference to their lines, they would simply put a filter in your line at the box.
You have nothing to worry about my friend. Enjoy!!!
Than you my friend !!!! Greatly appreciate the information.

amnooneoo Yeah paranoia cha cha lol it sucks. Yup the ballast is UL listed take it thats a good thing ?

To the rest of my RIU family Thank You !!!! You guys are the best !!!! Thanks for the help and the laughs. Now time to make me a faraday cage and a foil hat lol and enjoy my new light. Hope I can return the favor and help you guys one day even though in just a noob at this. :bigjoint:


Active Member
I had a brand new 1000w lumatek electronic ballast and it started messing with my neighbors tv the day i plugged it in. i ended up getting rid of it and buying a magnetic. i discussed this with the guys at the hydro store and they say it is fairly common for the interference and recommended a magnetic to me to be safe. my biggest fear was if a cop was rolling by my house he would end up getting interference on his radio and wonder whats up with my house. I grow legal and have nothing to worry about but i would still like to keep shit as private as possible.