Paranoid of friend ratting on me...


Active Member
Ok, so heres the short version of this story. A really good friend of mine (lets just call him tim) recently quit smoking bud (he was getting sick all the time and I guess he figured the bud was causing it, since he did smoke a lot), almost right afterward he got charged for selling a bag to an informant, normally it would be gross misdemeanor but since his apartment building was in a school zone he is getting charged with a felony (he is fighting it so he hasn't official been charged). Also his girlfriend of 2 years pretty much left him and moved to Washington to live with her brother about a month ago. Since then he has been really depressed cause all of his friends were either ppl he sold to or ppl he smoked with, he lives in a camper and has no cable and no friends, with the exception of me, which may not last much longer cuz since he quit he is always in a pissy mood and just saying really dumb shit that annoys the fuck out of me.

Now it really gets interesting, last weekend I was hanging with a buddy who mentioned tim asked him if he could get some coke for him (which is really weird cause tim would have been the guy to ask if you needed anything). Since tim quit he has shown little interest in my grow, the few times I showed him my first grow he said he appreciated a good looking plant, but has never asked to see my grow op. Until last night when he was over and out of the blue asks if he could see it since I told him I recently started a hydro. Keep in mind I have known tim for over 5 years and he pretty much made me the stoner I am today. Last night after he left I switched my WW to 12-12 to get em flowering faster than i planned just because I'm afraid he may be trying to lighten his sentence by turning in someone else which I really could never see him doing but desperation and depression can change a person a lot. I am definitely going to stop growing for a little while after this crop matures, but I am really not sure what to do about him.

the widowman

Well-Known Member
the golden rule is you never tell anybody you got a grow on the go man!!!! if you had'nt told anybody you would still be able to have grow on the go.


Sector 5 Moderator
I had a "friend" like that once and he sold out everybody he knew just to save his sorry ass. I got high with this guy, played guitar with him, had a lot of fun but in the end he was just a fucking narc. What about just moving your grow op to another site? I hate to see you short change yourself but it does sound fishy that he's trying to set up a coke deal. I hope YOU aren't in a school zone too.

Toking Tide

Well-Known Member
what you need to do is call "Tim" all pissed off because ______________ happened to your grow and the plants died. Tell him you just don't think your cut out for growing. You can fill in the blank yourself.

I used this excuse because a few people knew about my grow and kept asking so I told them mine died. Since then 1 guy asked me again how my grow was and I was like "what the fuck you talking about? my shit died I told you that. Don't remind me of that disaster." In reality I have 8 plants (3 white skunk and 5 white widow) that will be ready to harvest hopefully saturday.

There is only 1 person (other than my wife) that knows of my shit and I would trust him with my life so Im not worried. Like these other guys said though the numero uno rule of growing is SHUT THE FUCK UP and tell noone.

If dude does pull some shit then dump his trailer in a lake:)


Well-Known Member
that ain't no friend, and just plain out call'em a snitch thats what we us to do (My brothers and I), and buy a scaner that way you now if somethings about to go down.


Active Member
just confront him and ask him if he is a narc. just look at his face. then say " im just kidding dude" lol if he says yeah then i wouldnt be his friend anymore


Active Member
There is only 1 person (other than my wife) that knows of my shit and I would trust him with my life so Im not worried. Like these other guys said though the numero uno rule of growing is SHUT THE FUCK UP and tell noone.
Thats just it before he quit smoking and changed as much as he did I would have trusted him with my life, he has been one of my best friends for the last 5 years or so, thats why I am having such a hard time seeing him actually ratting on anybody. But a lot of shit has happened to him so I really don't know anymore. I mean how well do you really know anybody if someone wants to hide something bad enough they will hide it. And other than him, my gf and a friend that would have as much to lose as I would if he ratted on me, nobody else knows. I have always kept my lips tight about it, because it is 100% true that loose lips sink ships.


Well-Known Member
Nobody can be trusted if your freedom is at risk. Not even your family! Your brother might have known you your entire life. Been there for you anytime you needed him. But if he has a wife and kids, he could tell them anything to keep his family. Anyone could turn on their best friend if they were told their children would get taken away! We know this isnt true(children seizing), but he might not. Protecting your buddy or protecting your kids. Anyone with children should already know thier answer. If I was a single parent, I would die before giving my children up to state custody. Think about this before you show off to buddies. Security is job #1.


Active Member
Ya I know thats what I gotta do i just aint a great liar, and hes known me for a long time.


Well-Known Member
shit happens,,but you say after knowing him for 5 years,,your the stoner you are today because of him,,give yur quittin buddy a chance,,maybe it bothers him to see a grow op,,maybe yur friend is bettering himself and just needs yur support,,maybe you had some good dank and got paranoid,,but in the end,,,,trust no one

Keep on Growin



Well-Known Member
That sucks man... I had something like that happen to me a few years ago... I would distence myself from Tim and try and stay low... I'v been staying low for almost a year now... really sucks big monkey cock... but better than being in jail...


Active Member
That sucks man... I had something like that happen to me a few years ago... I would distence myself from Tim and try and stay low... I'v been staying low for almost a year now... really sucks big monkey cock... but better than being in jail...
I've always stayed pretty low i usually only hang out with one or two buddys during the week (tim being one of those ppl). i usually just prefer to smoke and play video games alone or hang with my gf when she isnt working


Well-Known Member
than... I dont know man... its hard to have your sentance lowered even if you snitch... because most of the time people just make shit up...


Well-Known Member
id make 'tim' dissapear, that hows things get handled around here, very rarely do people rat out other people,


Well-Known Member
yea man... toronto is crazy hard... yea just murder him... that wont draw any atention to him... since he is already going to court... It'l never get investigated... If hes going to snitch he already did... But I dont think you can just say yea I saw it... I think you need pictures or something hard...


Well-Known Member
yea man... toronto is crazy hard... yea just murder him... that wont draw any atention to him... since he is already going to court... It'l never get investigated... If hes going to snitch he already did... But I dont think you can just say yea I saw it... I think you need pictures or something hard...
never once did i say kill him, i said make him dissapear, it would be such a dissapointed to say if "tim" missed his court date for some strangereason


Well-Known Member
I never said kill either... or did I???? nobody knows... thats the bottom line... If it were me... I would stalk him.. and than stalk him some more... and than pull a big hiest and rob a casino. And than smoke a few blunts and than move to jamaca. and than......