PARANOID, lighting question


Well-Known Member
hi im new to growing, i live in a small apartment building, and im growing with a 250 watt hps hydrofarm light in my closet, i run it from 12 am to 12 pm, because im a night shift guy.

what i want to know is what are my chances of getting caught? im a very responsible guy, i dont do drugs or sell them or associate with people who do. but just based on my electricity consumption and the time of day i run my light, what are my chances of getting noticed?

im just really paranoid after the 420 bust.



Well-Known Member
Yeah don't sweat it about the power consumption, I'd be more worried about nosy landlords, and the smell. Though it should be noted that PC's aren't usually on a strict 18/6 to 12/12 cycle lol.. really, nothing but grow lights are..