Paranoid about overall security of my op


My paranoia might just be the result of an over active imagination but I wanted to check with some more experienced people to make sure its just me or whether I have a serious problem brewing.

I recently set up a grow tent. It is well hidden, heat sheilded, air scrubbed, and draws less than 600 watts maximum. I fear the following things however...

1. Too many of my friends have found out. They are all trustworthy and upstanding citizens, none who would either go to LEO's or be under pressure from them in the first place. But still, this is a contingent that I cannot control.

2. Shipping. Although I have gone through at least 4 sources to obtain equipment, I have had nearly 5 packages of varying sizes delivered here. Most have been orders (but some with credit involved!) before I smartened up and stating using gift cards purchased with cash.

3. Internet. I am on forums doing research often and have made some purchases online (including my beans). This worries me greatly.

4. Location. I live in a rental apt. operated by a slum landlord. They never do routine checks, and if they did I installed a padlock of the door and even once inside the room it is very difficult to locate.

I live in a place where this kind of thing is highly illegal. I have no record and have a lot to loose. Although I feel I have tried to control the situation and still enjoy it. Can anyone lend me some council? What can I do to further mitigate risk and have I already made fatal errors and is there any way to fix them or should I shut down my $600 investment.

Hope to hear from you...
unless your friends go to your house a lot tell them you stopped growing, make an excuse.

as for shipping to your house maybe order some stuff that will come in a factory box, not a brown box. Just to say if someone ask that "you order a lot of stuff online".

internet.... I had of fear of this myself I downloaded some movies in theaters to my computer they called my cell with a strict warning not to do it again. So as for that idk what to tell ya although they never said anything about me on this forum.

For the apartment situation review your lease, see if your landlord has to have permission before entering your apartment. With my new place I had the lease re-written to these terms. Other then that have a good carbon filter ;)

If you scrap your investment let me know Im always lookin for equipment..
2. Shipping. Although I have gone through at least 4 sources to obtain equipment, I have had nearly 5 packages of varying sizes delivered here. Most have been orders (but some with credit involved!) before I smartened up and stating using gift cards purchased with cash.

3. Internet. I am on forums doing research often and have made some purchases online (including my beans). This worries me greatly.

those are not that big a deal.

1. Too many of my friends have found out. They are all trustworthy and upstanding citizens, none who would either go to LEO's or be under pressure from them in the first place. But still, this is a contingent that I cannot control.

that is very very bad. VERY. The 3 most important security rules of growing are- 1. Don't tell anyone. 2. Don't tell anyone 3. Don't tell anyone. From now on say either you were joking or lying and deny the existence of it if ever asked by anyone from now on.

4. Location. I live in a rental apt. operated by a slum landlord. They never do routine checks, and if they did I installed a padlock of the door and even once inside the room it is very difficult to locate.

it's a calculated risk. imo if you are confident in your stealthness it probably isnt something i'd worry about too much.
first of all, thank you for your response.

I have counted up the number of people who know, its 9!!!

Two of them are roommates, but still, thats way too many. 1 (me) is a better number. I will be running counter intelligence measures from now on but is it still a concern if I really trust these people to keep their mouths shut? What is the biggest risk involved with too many people knowing? How do people get busted for that?

Is it too late? Should I shut it down?
Loose lips sinks ships is the saying. No matter how much you trust someone they say every person you tell will en up telling approx 5 people. When you have told 9 you can see where the trouble starts!

Couple examples could be, passing conversation they chat with there parents? Maybe wives/girlfriends (like I say unintentional passing convo.) next parents tell there friends or the other half tells her girlfriends who then tell there boyfriends who then tell there mates down the pub?

Or your mates could be out without you and talking about it in a Pub or bar and people overhear?

I know this may seem a bit far fetched but it's really not. It's human nature to tell the people you trust and it will be there human nature to tell the people they trust and so on and so on
damn, 9? ouch. Dont ever mention it to anyone again and deny it like i said before and you should be ok. No selling either.You cant do anything that could give the cops a reasonable cause and its best not to do anything at all that would result in any interaction with them at all as they will try to trick you. As long as you do that you should be ok. wait, did you ever show anyone anything? if you have not it's just a rumor at this point and like i said just deny it from now on. if they have i would shut the grow down as them having seen it first hand is more substantial.
first of all, thank you for your response.

I have counted up the number of people who know, its 9!!!

Two of them are roommates, but still, thats way too many. 1 (me) is a better number. I will be running counter intelligence measures from now on but is it still a concern if I really trust these people to keep their mouths shut? What is the biggest risk involved with too many people knowing? How do people get busted for that?

Is it too late? Should I shut it down?
you got way to many people in your mix you kind of have to seclude yourself if you are doing it at home which is why i never do it at home. people will start to wonder why a door is always shut ect. ect. I would shut it down if i were you if 9 people know that you know of you can probably multiply that x3 nine nobody can keep a secret a couple of them are probably telling others and those people are telling others. shut it down take 6 to 8 month break then restart and dont tell anyone. hope you didnt sprout all your beans if not save em sorry just trying to be honest no disrespect intended.
Statistically speaking you are already busted. All those tracks do not seem like much until there is a tip to the police. Once the do some digging (without a warrent) they will likley hit you with a knock and talk, will make up some probable cause then your through. Start cleaning your tracks. Tell everyone that knew that it just seemed to risky and had to stop. Move to another county and start again and leave no tracks.
Mistake number 1... thinking you know 9 people who are actually trustworthy.

Assuming you're giving weed, or selling weed to any one of those 9 people... you get caught by them getting caught. You'll find out who really wasn't trustworthy after one of these 9 people gets caught with weed, and they bargain out of a charge with the police, by telling the police that they got weed from you.

If you have 9 people you know who smoke weed, there is a very good chance one of them will be caught with weed. If that weed is coming from you, you're bound to get busted.
One of your friends could be in a situation where they get busted for some odd reason and the are facing some jail time or something on their record. To avoid any of those options they could turn you in. The only thing you should worry about is telling people. That is the only thing that can get you busted out of those things you have listed.TELL NO ONE TRUST NO ONE. I know its hard but I tell all my close friends I have a connection that gets me the buds and those are people I have known for 10 years.
Bad news 9 people knowing in a place thats not legal on top of it . Worst thing that can happen if you shut down and start up in a legal state ? Worst thing if you get busted ? Hmmmm. Never ship stuff to a grow site - ever . Reopen in a legal place and don't tell anyone then don't worry .