Paranoia while baked


Well-Known Member
Have any of you ever been so baked that you begin to get paranoid and scared of everything? I was at my buddy's the other day and I was listening to him play his own songs on his guitar, and I closed my eyes and saw everyone I know dying some day, each alone. It's really interesting how sometimes you're so busy with your life that you pass by thinking about your own mortality... it only hits you every so often... anyway, it was like amplified like 100 times because I was super high and another 10 times because my friend was playing weird shit. Sorry if I don't make much sense; It was a pretty horrible feeling I had... then like 5 minutes later I was in the best of moods. Hurray for mood swings while high!

This was my first extreme paranoia while high that didn't have anything to do with cops!


Well-Known Member
yeah happens to the best of us, i am always smoking too much and then spasticly swinging my head around thinking someone is behind me at times when of course its all my imagination. haha


Well-Known Member
It happens. I'm an old fart now, so I'll only get paranoid when the cops find my stash. Because then I know they're gonna do something...hehe.

I was hitching South at Easter time and had FIVE cop cars pass me in as many minutes. I was carrying a little bit of bud, but wasn't concerned. I just waved at the odd one. None turned around. I was ready to discreetly drop it if I had to, so I guess I may have been a little paranoid, but I like to call it prepared for the worst.

When I was younger, paranoia was a given.


Well-Known Member
Honestly it hasn't been happening to me lately... I dunno why. I guess I figured out that when you get paranoid you tend to do something stupid. You just have to relax and ride it.


Well-Known Member
its nice to be high enough that paranoid is just funny lookin mumbo jumbo....i think its unpleasent to be paranoid wilst high, so why waste the weed? youre just trippin ure self out.


New Member
I dunno about the hurray for mood swings. :roll:

but I do know that some strains can produce more of a paranoid state than others and sometimes just getting too high can.
Of course having cops close by doesn'
t help any situation regards to weed. :blsmoke:
Have any of you ever been so baked that you begin to get paranoid and scared of everything? I was at my buddy's the other day and I was listening to him play his own songs on his guitar, and I closed my eyes and saw everyone I know dying some day, each alone. It's really interesting how sometimes you're so busy with your life that you pass by thinking about your own mortality... it only hits you every so often... anyway, it was like amplified like 100 times because I was super high and another 10 times because my friend was playing weird shit. Sorry if I don't make much sense; It was a pretty horrible feeling I had... then like 5 minutes later I was in the best of moods. Hurray for mood swings while high!

This was my first extreme paranoia while high that didn't have anything to do with cops!


Well-Known Member
Yes I am guilty of turning off the lights,peeking out the window,and not answering the phone all because....they!:mrgreen:


Active Member
I've never had an extreme state of paranoia from smoking quality marijuana alone, however, one evening, a long long time ago, Some buddy let me smoke this "really great stuff" that ended up being laced with PCP (he didn't know, he didn't tell me) Long story short, absolute worst fucking night of my life. Forever