Paradise Seeds NEBULA feminised and Dutch Passion Blue Moonshine Medical Tent Grow


Grow Space: 3x3x6.5' tent
Home made Stanley Blower exhaust fan with carbon filter
400 watt (MH in veg) (HPS in flower)

I started with two Nebula seeds feminized and tow Blue Moonshine seeds feminized. All four germinated with the paper towel method in a plastic tupperware container within three to four days. A sealed container maintains moisture better. I placed each of them into a three gallon container using soil. I vegged them for 6 and half weeks under the MH. I only used advanced nutrients sensi grow 2 part liquid nutrients during this stage after three weeks of just using water.

I used LST method on all four during the veg stage. The Nebula stay short and stalky and really bush out. Even without LST I bet they would bush out well. The Blue moonshine bushed out a bit, but grow more sativa like.

Growing two strains at once, one has to deal with height differences. I cut all my LST string off before flipping to flowering. The Nebula were 16" tall when changed to 12/12 flowering, while the blue moonshine were already 20" tall.

For flowering I first used advanced nut. bud blood for the first week. I have added big bud with bud blood for the second week watering. The plants are going into their second week now of flowering and everything looks good. All four are confirmed females as of now. No strees during veg or flowering and I aim to keep it that way. Temps are sitting at 26 degrees and 30% humidity during lights on, while lights off it is 22 degrees with 45% humidity. I am running exhaust fan 24 hrs straight now.

Current heights of the plants after first week of flowering are Blue Moonshine - 27 inches tall
Nebula - 20 inches tall and 18 " tall
I also used MH for the first week of flowering. Now switched to HPS for the second week till the end.

Nebulas on the left and blue moonshines on the right for most pics.
Updates to follow.chemistry 015.jpgnebnblue 018.jpgnebnblue 016.jpgnebnblue 020.jpgnebnblue 009.jpgnebnblue 013.jpgchemistry 030.jpgnebnblue 015.jpgchemistry 022.jpgnebnblue 017.jpg


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The stretch period is over I think now. The Blue Moonshine has stopped at three feet tall now, while the nebula are short and bushy. I used books under my nebula to even out the canopy.

Blue Moonshine can handle higher heat than Nebula I find. Definitely would top Blue moonshine next time I grow it. They also drink more than my Nebula.

Nebula has a bushy stature that every indoor grower would like. Going into week three now while the Paradise seeds claims 9 weeks total I have 6- 8 weeks left now I guess. I will be using a 60x microscope to determine prime picking time. I 'll keep you all updated. Feminised seeds and all 4 are healthy females as of now. I am happy. To start with four and have four females is the best shit I have had growing so far.

first picture shows the height of the blue moonshine and the last picture is the same blue moonshine.The third and fourth pic is Nebula as well as the early bud pic it is nebula. I'll be back when something better to show or report happens. See you soon.


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Top shot of all the guys. nebula at the front and blue moonshine in the back.

Blue moonshine cola forming in the second shot.
Blue moonshine in the third shot.
Everyone in the fourth.
Week 4 mid these shots are taken from.
Problem yellowing and dying leaves but added some veg nutes for nitrogen to bring some more green back. Also yellowing around week five seems to happen from last grows experience. 4or 5 more weeks to go.


In the first pic it is blue moonshine middle of week 5. 3 or more to go. nebnblue 103.jpg

The next pic is Nebula mid week 5.nebnblue 108.jpg

the next pic is the four of them mid week 5. and then the next pic is the top of one nebula lady.
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Now for a shot of blue moonshine cola.
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Well-Known Member
Nice. I'm surprise the Nebula grows so short...I always assumed it would be a tall one for some reason.

Subd and following along.


Well-Known Member
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Well-Known Member
Can't wait to hear your impressions of Nebula when it comes time to test the final product. The breeder's description says, "The buzz is transcendental and cerebral, sometimes bordering on the psychedelic." I like the sound of that...just wondering if it's really true.


Day 55 now and looking good. here is the update just finishing week 7
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first two shots here are nebula.

grow tent shot and next two are blue moonshine
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Getting microscope to look at these better around week 9 and see if longer is needed.


If i cannot get my hands on a microscope should i just listen to the packages of seeds that say 9 weeks and they should be good to pick or go just a touch longer to be sure?
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Also do i run the risk of hermi - ing my blue moonshine if i cut main stem and harvest lower half a week later?

Any discussion gladly appreciated...


Hey Ken3531, doesn't paradise website state mainly indica with touch of sativa? Or there are two types of Nebula? By the way good job, plant looks right proper. Wish my buds were that big. Next time around, I believe doing just Nebula and vegging for much longer as they barely stretched at all. MAybe 6 inches more after 6 and a half weeks vegging. Last grow I went with Paradise seeds Magic bud strain. Stayed short and barely any stretch after switching to flower. Good smoke as well. PAradise seeds consistently delivers. Until later


New pics day 58. lights just off, time for clearer pics.

First one is both colas blue moonshine.
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Next up Nebula.
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Now all 4.
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One more. All on just water for now for feeding till the end. Trouble finding a mini handheld microscope.
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Well-Known Member
My nebula is deff sativa Dom and I verged for 2 months under a 400 watt mh and I had lots of pistils showing before flowering. I flowered under a 1000watt and got a little over a pound wet from 1 nebula. Still drying so I'm hopin for 4 oz off the neb.... I'd go 10 weeks just to be safe because if you flower them early it takes them a little time to show preflowers.


All four were showing sex before I put them into flowering. Thats one rule I have always lived by for growing. I just had a look under the 50x scope and took one sample from each as getting a good view on the plant is hard as hell. SO far I see almost half of the trichomes on the Nebula have become cloudy while the other half are still clear.

The Blue moonshine is maybe a quarter cloudy and 3/4 clear.
One more week and after long weekend chopping time. Drying them in grow tent with fan on to keep humidity low so no mold shit happens and to hide smell of buds. Pics to follow this event and smoke report in about 2 weeks drying time total. Till then.


Okay so just hit day 63 week 9 complete. Pics as of today. Judging from trichomes I am going until friday and lights out for weekend. Cut and hang Monday.

Shot of the 4 plants.
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Next is Nebula day 60

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Second shot day 63 Nebula here.
More to follow soon.


So they are trimmed and drying in jars. Smoke tested after one week drying - Nebula is sick. Amazing taste, amazing amounts of crystals. Couldn't be happier with them.

The Blue Moonshine is good tasting and very sticky. Cannot wait for both to be drying for two or three weeks. Taste is already good but will improve with time in mason jars. Overall yield I am guessing is 6-7 ounces dried from all 4 plants. Need my digi to confirm. For now just some picks following and better report of smoke in a week. It turned out good. Next time some new nutrients from the advanced nutrients line and we'll see what happens.

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Well-Known Member
Wow, looks like a really nice harvest. U probly can't smoke all that bud yourself, maybe u can send some my way? lol. +rep for a successful grow


Thanks man. Everything turned out nice.

The NEbula is the kind of smoke you want when sitting around at home or not doing much. Very relaxing smoke. Covered in crystal. Good smooth taste that has sweet fragrances. Like this strain a lot and would definitely recommend it to others.

The Blue moonshine has become a good smoke when doing things. Doesn't put you to sleep and gives a clear head high. Would recommend to friends but topping would be beneficial to gain higher yields. Overall happy with smoke taste and effect. A little fruity tasting in joints. Higher up buds were tighter and lower ones a little looser and airy. Thanks for following and I will post the next grow when she starts.


Well-Known Member
aye up mate,just thought id ask a question as im doing some blue moonshine.does the bud on them grow tight an get quite weighty?or does it grow loose if you no what i mean.cheers