PAR T5/HPS DWC...FruityChronicJuice*BlueberryGum*BlueCheese* Autohobbit


Well-Known Member
Improvise yes, but use common sense;
Just because a pistil is back doesn't mean anything about the product,
it's simply an old school method of determing the peak.

All pistils dehydrate upon harvest, and don't add to the medicine anyways,
that's why we've come to rely upon trichomes.

And if you really want to improvise, you could also take note on the structure of the flowers themselves,
such as Calyx size/shape, bud formation, new growth ..


Undercover Cop

Active Member
Exactly, that's why I'm finally ready to chop, despite the trichs. I can see the newest flowers have puffed and stopped putting out new pistils, so a final few days in some sweetwater then... :)

Undercover Cop

Active Member
hey buddy, yer up late on mon. night. lol. ive been wanting to ask what the potency is like on those early harvest mexi buds. i know theyre immature but i guess im wondering if theyre still better than what ya bought. from your description i know they gotta smell better. also i know a lotta people black out their plants immediately prior to harvest. wassup? take care man.
Its still curing, but the few samples I've tried have definitely been more "up" and heady than the parental bag weed was. They still smell really funky, nothing like the parent bag (which wasn't all that great to begin with) but I'm sure that will improve with time.

The 48 of dark is because light degrades thc, dark time will allow a stress free period for trich production, normally this dark period would/could throw off the plants cycle but youre chopping anyway so... I've read studies that it can increase final thc content by up to 30%.


Active Member
Its still curing, but the few samples I've tried have definitely been more "up" and heady than the parental bag weed was. They still smell really funky, nothing like the parent bag (which wasn't all that great to begin with) but I'm sure that will improve with time.The 48 of dark is because light degrades thc, dark time will allow a stress free period for trich production, normally this dark period would/could throw off the plants cycle but youre chopping anyway so... I've read studies that it can increase final thc content by up to 30%.
Holy shit! 30%? Seems a worthwhile effort to me.

Undercover Cop

Active Member
Holy shit! 30%? Seems a worthwhile effort to me.
Lol exactly, I've never done it before so I can't be sure, but I don't see what it can hurt if it is just BS. The theory makes sense in my brain so why not try with a plant I'm not too concerned about.


Well-Known Member
Recently started bagging for 48. It doesn't hurt, but can neither confirm nor deny- new strain. Have you done an A/B Sweetwater v straight water flush (well 90% diluted)?

Undercover Cop

Active Member

HOLY SHIT, am I the only one that can sit and watch this shit for hours??? oh man whats wrong with me? The commercials on NickJr suck lol, but damn I love some YGG lol. no i dont have kids

Jack Black!
they even make politics fun!

Undercover Cop

Active Member
Recently started bagging for 48. It doesn't hurt, but can neither confirm nor deny- new strain. Have you done an A/B Sweetwater v straight water flush (well 90% diluted)?
Nope, nothing to compare to. The premie/herm sativa I just harvested was the first in abt 10years, and when I grew those years ago, for abt 1.5 years, I had no real technique other than trial and error, I really didnt know what I was doing, just had an idea. This is the first grow where Ive had info available, resources like the internet (and all you) to help. So I cant really compare, and I didnt even flush that sativa. lol finally bought molasses only about 2 weeks ago.

This current grow, I will be taking clones for the first time (since I finally have genetics worth cloning) and when I take cuttings (3or4 from each FCJ and BlueberryGum) I will put different cuttings from the same strain under HPS vs T5, then Flush vs no Flush, I want to experiment and play around with techniques to find what works best for my situation before I settle into a regular routine. I made it thru the first grow with this new set-up, but Im not even really done with my room yet, still need a dedicated AC before we start seeing 90's in March. Im the type that will never be completely satisfied though, Ill be sinking money into this little venture for as far into the future as I can see.

Undercover Cop

Active Member

Ok so Im still waiting on my new T5 bulbs (replacement AquaMedic PlantGrow, 2 AquaticLife Roseates, 4 FloraSuns, and 4 RedSuns-backordered) So im waiting to re-configure my veg/flower lighting. I plan to get one more 4 bulb panel which will go in the veg box and with the single bulb/reflector I bought today for the side, I will have 5 bulbs for Veg. Then I will move the 8bulb fixture from the veg box to the flower box, with 8 on top and the two 4bulb panels I already have on the sides, Ill have 16 total bulbs taking up the left 2/3 of the box, then the 400wHPS will run on the far right 2feet.

Every thing is coming along nicely. I had 6 mexican bagseeds that I had 12/12 from seedling, 4 of which have already shown their balls and were pulled. One of the two left looks very short and squatty and may be an oddball indica seed. But they're both healthy and thriving under the t5 12/12.

The 4 kindbud seedlings are doing well, the AutoHobbit is actually growing the fastest and is already growing sidebranches. The BlueCheese is labeled with a ? because Im only assuming that she's a BlueCheese because the friend that gave it to me said she was, but who knows for sure lol. She's (Im hoping for a girl also but cant be sure like the other *fem seeds) about 10 days older than the others which is why she's bigger.

And with no further delay... canna-porn!

She's sitting in Pure Water and molasses until tomorrow when I get home from work, then she's going into the dark... almost time

6 in 12/12... down to 2 today

Daddy's little girls :)



Active Member
Awesome update.

The lone bagseed is a beauty at this stage and impressively stout. How'd she smell before lights on today? If you had to rate the bud density on a scale from 0 to "Neutron Star", where would you put it? I'm guessing "Japan".

And YES, more T5s. Think of the bulb combinations... You might be a madman, UCC.

Looking forward to harvest and the coming side by side light experiments. Eye protection required.

Undercover Cop

Active Member
Awesome update.

The lone bagseed is a beauty at this stage and impressively stout. How'd she smell before lights on today? If you had to rate the bud density on a scale from 0 to "Neutron Star", where would you put it? I'm guessing "Japan".

And YES, more T5s. Think of the bulb combinations... You might be a madman, UCC.

Looking forward to harvest and the coming side by side light experiments. Eye protection required.

She is very VERY dense, but she did have a 400w hps all to herself for the last month with the T5s... But my box and room have alot of ventilation and very VERY low humidity so she really doesn't smell much at all. When I get right up close she still smells abit cheesy :) I haven't even opened my OnaGel cans yet

Undercover Cop

Active Member
lol, ok so she's in the dark now for a few days, but before that I decided to trim abit to let the undergrowth get some air. I would let her go a little longer like this to let the under-flowers mature abit but she was starting to throw nanners and the top most leaves and most fanleaves had crisped up and were crumbly... deficiency due to nitrogen starvation for 2+weeks? excess UV? over fert??? Ill never know until I get a few clones that I can compare different conditions vs environments. Anyway, I trimmed her up cuz I couldnt wait to see what was under her clothes! Tell your friends!! the Mari-guaro cactus!

before... far too hot for the desert, like wearing a parka!

after... ahh much better, like she's in a bikini getting a tan under the sun!
Its like a desert sunset!


Well-Known Member
WTF are you talking about, i think you got drunk and stumbled into a different thread befor you hit submit
I was referring to Phaeton's Post #29, I quoted him for crying out loud, well partially anyway, now who's drunk, lol, I can't stand alcohol, the only mood altering substance I NEED is WEED!


Active Member
lol, ok so she's in the dark now for a few days, but before that I decided to trim abit to let the undergrowth get some air. I would let her go a little longer like this to let the under-flowers mature abit but she was starting to throw nanners and the top most leaves and most fanleaves had crisped up and were crumbly... deficiency due to nitrogen starvation for 2+weeks? excess UV? over fert??? Ill never know until I get a few clones that I can compare different conditions vs environments. Anyway, I trimmed her up cuz I couldnt wait to see what was under her clothes! Tell your friends!! the Mari-guaro cactus!before... far too hot for the desert, like wearing a parka!View attachment 2051740after... ahh much better, like she's in a bikini getting a tan under the sun!View attachment 2051741View attachment 2051742View attachment 2051743Its like a desert sunset!
Lovely! Just lovely! Cant wait to hear what it cures out like. Well done Uc. That was a classic fade.


Active Member
If things werent what they are Id say it was a shame to tear off all her clothes and then hide her in the dark. lol. *She wore an itsy bitsy, teenie weenie, trichome covered, leaf bikini.....*


Active Member
Hey Uc, I was wondering about your little autohobbit the other day. Are u a Tolkien fan? Was tht a freebie? Anyway it made me find and rewatch "The Hobbit" last night. Cant wait til Dec. for the first part of the movie to be released.