PappaBear's DIY "Backpacker Special" ... A water pipe for the traveler.


New Member
Another one of those "hey, thats so simple its genius!" Not to honk my own horn :bigjoint:. Just kidding ladies and gentleman. This is a water pipe I have been using since day one and hands down runs with the best of portable water pipes. It was actually my first one. When kids were using aluminum foil and other miscellaneous toxic products, I was out looking for the cheap, healthy, and portable. Most of the time that ended up in me doing a DIY from resources available.

Lets cut to the chase..
What you will need:
1x Plastic Bottle (like a soda or water bottle)
1x Glass slide bowl (available online or in head shops for as low as $3)
1x Lighter
*OPTIONAL* 1x metal rod or key roughly a little smaller in diameter than the slide bowls stem.
1# Remove label from bottle and mark a spot on the bottle where you want to put your bowl. It is best to do it as low as possible so you can use small amounts of water.
2011-03-30 02.36.14.jpg
2011-03-30 02.37.55.jpg
2# Using your lighter, heat your glass stem or hot metal until hot enough to melt through the plastic. Make sure to leave the lid on for this if possible to create back pressure on the plastic when melting. Also try to make the hole as straight as possible as to not have any air leaks.
2011-03-30 02.43.28.jpg2011-03-30 02.39.05.jpg
3# Remove cap and rinse the bottle. Insert bowl stem into bottle and fill to the appropriate water line.
2011-03-30 02.48.49.jpg

Its that easy. So cheap and very effective. Great for camping, concerts, gatherings, and personal situations. No need for seals, if done correctly you will have a snug hole for your stem. If not the o-ring that came with the bowl should be sufficient.

+ rep if I helped, thanks!


New Member
Get a rubber grommet and fit it to bottle than your are water tight also!DIY
Correct, thats if you couldn't burn a straight hole. As you can see.. rubber grommet on glass stem is in the picture.
Putting the grommet on the plastic bottle is a terrible idea.


New Member
why is putting it on the bottle a bad idea?
Its a throw away, you dont keep it, and if the bowl is locked in with grommet then you wont be able to slide the stem in and out.
I like how this is just a simple DIY and you want to add and change it. Use or dont, your opinions on this matter are moot. Notice "pappabears" DIY backpacker special, not jeeba. If your interested in showing a DIY of your own, there is plenty of room on this site for it.


Samatha Green

Active Member
Its a throw away, you dont keep it, and if the bowl is locked in with grommet then you wont be able to slide the stem in and out.
I like how this is just a simple DIY and you want to add and change it. Use or dont, your opinions on this matter are moot. Notice "pappabears" DIY backpacker special, not jeeba. If your interested in showing a DIY of your own, there is plenty of room on this site for it.

Well at least your not bitter about it. :-|


New Member
Well at least your not bitter about it. :-|
No bitterness here, just being blunt. Obviously those who see this and think " I can make this and use it for the rest of my life" are confused.
This is for on the go, cheap, and efficient. There is a grommet on the stem in the photos so for someone to put "add a grommet" and you to agree, yall would have to be the same person or just as confused as one another.

Samatha Green

Active Member
No bitterness here, just being blunt. Obviously those who see this and think " I can make this and use it for the rest of my life" are confused.
This is for on the go, cheap, and efficient. There is a grommet on the stem in the photos so for someone to put "add a grommet" and you to agree, yall would have to be the same person or just as confused as one another.
So your saying that adding the grommet is a good idea. You should edit your first post and add that step.
If I think of any other ideas I will let you know.;-)


Well-Known Member
Well enjoy your backpacker special,I never said your idea was horrible,in fact I was making these things along time ago so really it isnt your idea anway.


New Member
So your saying that adding the grommet is a good idea. You should edit your first post and add that step.
If I think of any other ideas I will let you know.;-)
It would be a "step" if it was crucial to the design. Its not needed unless you cant burn a straight hole. As for putting it in the first post it is has been there since day one.. Maybe you should keep your thought to yourself.:grin:

"Its that easy. So cheap and very effective. Great for camping, concerts, gatherings, and personal situations. No need for seals, if done correctly you will have a snug hole for your stem. If not the o-ring that came with the bowl should be sufficient."


New Member
Well enjoy your backpacker special,I never said your idea was horrible,in fact I was making these things along time ago so really it isnt your idea anway.
You are confused, this thread is not an idea, it is reality. See how it has pictures to support claim? You spouting off about grommets is an idea. I love when people post how they have done this and that, grow pounds with cfl's, or just run their mouth with nothing to back it up. I have an idea, you come upwith anything else or know of anything that could actually help anyone.. than start a thread about it. If not, than you are just running your mouth.

Im sure alot of people have made these, but not you. You sir are a chump, you are nothing and will never be. You should probably contimplate eating a bullet and posting it on the internet so people can act like they care for a week or two.


Well-Known Member
Hows this for reality you are the one running your mouth.And smart guy its a grommet not a oring hence the flanges on it.And while im busy contemplating eating a bullet,your sir can eat a dick.I bet there will be no contemplating that.


New Member
Hows this for reality you are the one running your mouth.And smart guy its a grommet not a oring hence the flanges on it.And while im busy contemplating eating a bullet,your sir can eat a dick.I bet there will be no contemplating that.
Interesting.. ive never seen slide style bowls come with a grommet, only o-rings. The downstem on the other hand has a grommet to lock to the water pipe. So my o-ring statement stands. So in the end your posts and life are meaningless. Seriously if you decide to off yourself dont blame me... blame your parents for their "lil accident" 9 months before having you.


New Member
like buying fancy grips and laser sight for a gun you plan do serial murders with.

you dont keep a throw aways you punk mother f*cker.


Well-Known Member
Man your out there.....You must grow schwag you are far to hyper to have good weed.FWIW I dont do serial murder so my guns are tricked out with custom triggers springs slides barrels grips sights......etc etc etc Must be a damn shame u got allmost 400 posts and 7 likes.I got more likes and 1/4 of the posts whose the worthless 1 now?Enjoy your weekend dude and try to fucking grow up.


New Member
Sorry buddy no drugs here, keep comparing your worth with the opinions of strangers "liking" your posts. :dunce:

So are you saying you grow/manufacture drugs and own all your custom guns? If so maybe someone should look into that.

Your a joke sport.. instead of responding to me, look in the forums and post something that is missing that could help someone. You obviously cant help in any way here.

Just a pointer.. Dont worry about what other people think and say, you will be alot better off.