paper towel them or chuck em straight in?


Well-Known Member
Ok my seeds are here, i have always gone with the paper towl method for germing. I just wanted some opinions into weather i should paper towel them or just throw them straight into the soil under the light?
Is it just as quick for them to sprout this way?


Well-Known Member
fill a beer cup half way with soil be sure to have drainage holes plant seed cover with plastic wrap keep warm wait a few days and you will have lift off


From the seeds i've sprouted so far, i'd say put it directly in soil,water it, then cover it up with a plastic layer and make a little hole on it.they usually sprout at the 4th day.


Well-Known Member
3 step process - first soak in shot glass - 24 hours, then papertowel in zip bag and placed in or on a warm place, then when the tap root shows I plant. normally a day, within 24 hours they are up and running - Each to their own, many ways to skin a cat.


Well-Known Member
fill a beer cup half way with soil be sure to have drainage holes plant seed cover with plastic wrap keep warm wait a few days and you will have lift off
Hi, do you mean a beer can?
but tbh i'd rather stick with the two i mentioned.
From the seeds i've sprouted so far, i'd say put it directly in soil,water it, then cover it up with a plastic layer and make a little hole on it.they usually sprout at the 4th day.
So sounds about the same time spent doing it the paper towel way mmmm


Well-Known Member
i use the pp towel and ziplock , place in the window with a dark cloth over it. 24 hours later poof. this way you know for sure the tap roots pointed down,upon transfer into the grow medium.


Well-Known Member
Never used paper towel method in my life. Do a 12 hour presoak, sometimes 24 hours is too long of a soak. Then put them in a mix of half soil and half broken up peat pellets. Stick them right in grow room Get almost 100 percent germ rate. But I've seen a lot of diff. Methods just sharing what works for me. I've cracked beans almost 10 years old so it works. Good luck


Put them in cup of room temp water in dark place for 12-24hrs. Check after bout 12hrs then push seeds to see if they sink. Once they sink the shell has cracked and are taking in water. once all have sunk put them between damp sheets of kitchen roll and store in room temp in dark place checking regulary to keep paper damp. Once tiny white tap root appears place in soil/jiffy cube 5mm under surface with tap root facing down.


Well-Known Member
I don't understand why you would get a better germination rate with the towel method. It just seems you're adding another step to the process where you can possibly fuck up. Transferring from towel to soil can easily damage the sprout. Doesn't seem to me to be a good idea to be handling just sprouted seeds. I've only tried it once or twice before and I didn't like it. Those little sprouts just seem way too fragile.

Right in the soil seems to be the simplest and safest to me. As long as you don't over/under water which isn't hard at all.


I have only popped about 15 beans before (I prefer clones but wanted to start with my own strain that I didn't always have to guess where it came from). I soaked them 24 hours with RO water, they all sank... after that I did half in a paper towel (LA Confidential) on a plate with a cover and the other half were in the box that they came in (UK Cheese), this method was easier than the paper towel because the cotton wouldn't get stuck together or dry out because it was closed neatly in the box it came in (Mediseeds). The box had 2 flat pieces of cotton in it that I soaked and put away. Most of the beans barely popped in the soak and some of them I let the taproot get too big because I was away from the room too long without a choice. The UK Cheese grew about 1/2" taproots, 2 got stuck in the cotton and I literally ripped 1/4" off the taproot, I really don't see how they are as fragile as people say. I was fairly careful but I just picked them up in my hands (Always clean your hands!). They were put into pete pellets and a lil pete pellet greenhouse then they were put into party cups then 1 gal containers. The ones that I overgrew and ripped the root off of are still growing just as strong and fast and healthy as the others a month later. I did label them and know which ones they are. All of this was at like 55-60*F, much lower than whats suggested for germination.

Honestly in the future I think I will go directly from germination to a small soil container (.5-1gal), putting them in the party cups for like 4 days just seemed like a lot of extra work and an extra transplant that I didn't need to do. BTW I used Happy Frog soil.

If this shit can grow in swamps in Florida and what not then I think moving seeds etc is not that big of a deal, but hey that's just me.


Well-Known Member
Hi, do you mean a beer can?
but tbh i'd rather stick with the two i i mean a party cup like the plastic red cups you put beer in at a party

So sounds about the same time spent doing it the paper towel way mmmmprolly the same time with a higher survival rate and less to screw up
Thanks for the answers, think il just stick to the ol paper towel jobby jus to be safe :leaf:
its far from safe

I don't understand why you would get a better germination rate with the towel method. Seems it adds another step where you can fuck up. Transferring from towel to soil can easily damage the sprout. Doesn't seem, to me, to be a good idea to be handling just sprouted seeds. I've only tried it once or twice before and I didn't like it. Those little sprouts just seem way too fragile.

Right in the soil seems to be the simplest and safest to me. As long as you don't over/under water which isn't hard at all.
you are correct,,... lets make something simple harder yea the results are worse but i sware by it....... being sarcastic
Too many steps. soak, then paper towels, then soil. Too much touching and contamination risks, especially if he taproot is exposed. My preferred method. Soak the seeds in water until they sink when they are submerged (initially they will float back to the top when you push them down). Leave them in a maximum of 24 hours, they should all be sinking by then any way. I do use a heating mat also. Take 16 oz keg party cups and drill 4 holes around the edges as close to the bottom as possible. Fill with soil or soiless medium (I use promix bx w/ extra perlite). Soak the medium and let it drain out a bit. Leave some room at the top of the cup for the sprout to emerge. About an inch or so should do. Plant the seed about 2-3x the width of the seed deep touching it as little as possible. A bamboo skewer is a good tool for this. Cover the cups with plastic wrap and secure with a rubber band. Make a cup with just watered medium and put the thermostat for your heating pad in that. I keep the temp at 75 F. The seeds should sprout within 4-5 days, I've had some strains do it in 24 hours. When you see a sprout remove the plastic and start up your light (flourescent preferred) or you can turn on your light from the start it doesn't really matter. I recently started 21 seeds using this method (six different strains) and 20 of them sprouted and are doing well so far. Only one did no germ at all and I just removed it after about 14 days. The one drawback to this method that you can't see if the seed germed or not but pretty minor if you ask me. Bonus to this method is that the first transplant is easy with minimal root damage, just carefully cut away the cup and slide the rootball out. IMO paper towel is an extra step and an unnecessary contamination risk. By all means if your method works for you then great, but maybe you want to try it this way. If you are still unclear on his method youtube Jason Wilcox germination, that's where I learned this method.


Well-Known Member
There's many people giving you complex directions but this is pretty simple. If you're going soil then throw them straight into soil in small pots and you can put them in your veg tent, no special lighting schedule needed, no paper towel which most of the times shocks the seed, no pre soaking your beans, you just need to water the medium before digging the seeds in 1/2" holes, also spray the top when it doesn't look moist. And if it's hydro your going for, rock-wool or rapid rooters are great for the task and same principles apply. Too much water kills seeds.


Well-Known Member
paper towel method wrapped in a carrier bag...placed somewhere warmish(back of fridge)24hrs lata..pot em...always had 100 percent success with attitude seeds this way