Paper that I have to write for school (about cannabis)

This can't be your first college level paper you've had to write. What kind of grades are you getting on papers in your English and Lit classes? If you're getting A's there, don't worry about what I say. :)
So I have a paper due for school tomorrow, just the 1st draft. It's supposed to be about an emerging technology. I have not cited my sources yet, I just finished typing it and wanted opinions.

Just a few points:
  1. 300 kids in class so I am limited to 1 page
  2. Professor asked that we keep fluff and filler sentences out ( I assume because she has to read min of 600 papers or more)
  3. Also I haven't cited sources, I quickly typed this out and posted for critisism, all replies appreciated and I will take no offense. I am including emoji's to illustrate this :weed:;);-)(::weed::P

Cannabigerols (CBG), Cannabichromenes (CBC), Cannabidiols (CBD), Delta 9-Tetrahydrocannabinols (THC), Cannabinol (CBN), and Cannabicycol (CBDL), Cannabielsoin (CBE), Cannabitriol (CBT) these are eight of the 480 compounds found within the cannabis plant. According to an Israeli scientist, Raphael Mechoulam who holds a nomination for the prestigious Rothschild Prize, Mechoulam, along with many other people in the scientific community believe all these components from the cannabis plant likely exert some therapeutic effect, more than any single compound alone. Due to the prohibition of cannabis, and the schedule 1 classification it has received, little to no research has been conducted in the United States on the therapeutic or medicinal effects that the cannabis plant offers.

“The Entourage Effect,” research shows that all of the compounds found within a cannabis plant work far better together than alone. The example I would like to use is Marinol, which is a synthesized version of THC. Marinol was introduced around 1985 to cancer patients to alleviate the negative symptoms of chemotherapy which is usually nausea, loss of appetite, vomiting, mood disorders, pain, sleep, and fatigue. Researchers hypothesized it would have the same effect as the whole cannabis plant. What was discovered and became apparently clear that all patients using Marinol actually preferred using the whole cannabis plant to taking just Marinol by itself. Scientists soon began to realize that all the compounds found within the cannabis plant has a synergistic effect known as the “Entourage Effect.” The most promising and the most controversial of the medicinal benefits of cannabis in cancer treatment is of the cancer itself. Preclinical studies supported the ability of cannabis to kill cancer cells and stop the disease from spreading, the medical community points out that human research is lacking. Studies in cell culture and animal models continue to show evidence of cancer fighting effects. The results are so compelling that it has led cancer organizations, such as National Cancer Institute, and Cancer Research UK to include large sections of their website dedicated to the role of cannabis and cannabinoids in fighting cancer.

Charlotte Figi of Colorado has “Dravets Syndrome,” a rare and severe form of epilepsy that causes severe seizures and death. She has been prescribed Valium, Ativan, and even Phenobarbital all of which can have a deadly overdose complication. Charlotte has straight line died several times; she was brought back to life with CPR. She had her first seizure at 3 months old, at the age of five years old Charlotte would suffer up to 300 seizures a week, almost two seizures an hour. She could not talk, or move, she was in a catatonic state. Her only option at this point is to consume a powerful veterinary drug for epileptic dogs, or be put in a medically induced coma so her brain and body could rest. She was at a point that her body was so frail that just one more seizure could kill her. Marijuana has two key ingredients, THC, and CBD. Due to lacking research scientists hypothesize that CBD modulates the electrical and chemical activity within the brain to help quiet the activity that causes seizures.

Charlotte had her first dose of medicine derived from CBD, after the first application an hour went by, then another, then another, and that day she received medicine derived from a CBD based cannabis plant, she had her first day without a seizure. Still in disbelief the Figg’s were astonished when Charlotte went days without one seizure, by this time she should would have experienced at least 100 seizures over a two day period. Charlotte went from having 300 seizures a week to having one a week. After 2 years on a feeding tube, she can now eat on her own, she can now talk, walk, and enjoy life as a normal 5 year old child should. Although some hospitals do not recognize cannabis and CBD as a treatment for “Dravets Syndrome,” it’s hard to argue with results that you witness with your own eyes. The other question I ask myself, is how can they make this statement when such little research has been done in regards to the therapeutic and medicinal effects of cannabis?

In conclusion, I do believe that cannabis has medicinal and therapeutic effect to humans. Our class has taught us that scientific experiments are built from previous experiments as a foundation, with results that we should be able to duplicate. Little to no research has been conducted in the United States on the medicinal effect of cannabis; most research conducted has been to show the negative side effects of cannabis because of the schedule 1 classification. The question I ask myself and you is have we been systematically misled to believe cannabis offers no medicinal value because of a political or monetary agenda?
Roughly Plagiarized from:
This can't be your first college level paper you've had to write. What kind of grades are you getting on papers in your English and Lit classes? If you're getting A's there, don't worry about what I say. :)

I wouldn't consider myself a person who writes because they enjoy it, I write for classes and school. Sometimes A's, sometimes B's. But if I can improve my writing I don't mind getting any kind of criticism from anyone.

It's better than getting the standard "it's a good."
I wouldn't consider myself a person who writes because they enjoy it, I write for classes and school. Sometimes A's, sometimes B's. But if I can improve my writing I don't mind getting any kind of criticism from anyone.

It's better than getting the standard "it's a good."

You should be getting feedback and constructive criticism from your instructors/professors/teachers on every paper that's less than perfect. If not, you're being shortchanged.
I said that I haven't cited my sources, In my first post I said I used CNN and Gupta's documentary's as my references. I posted without citing because I wanted opinions on it. I did use a lot of info from CNN.
"Use of" does not include large portions not quoted or without rewriting/paraphrasing. Stop procrastinating and cheating, it doesn't make us honest stoners look good. I dislike thieves, even of, intellectual property.