Papaya SOG armoire/closet grow


Well-Known Member
So I have officially given up on my 2nd papaya and gunna stick with the one...I started germinated 3 random bagseed about an hour ago so ill be adding those to my grow.

Day 3 shes lookin about the same, a very healthy happy looking sprout ( So far)


Well-Known Member
Day 6 Update: Made alot of changes to my veg room today, decided to make a gift wrap lined hood today to maximize light. The girl is looking good and so far so good on my grow



Well-Known Member
Day 8 Update....Moved papaya into larger pot, started giving low doses of fox farm grow big. Sry for the shitty pics all i got is my iphone



Well-Known Member
Day 10 Update: She started slowing down for a day or two when i transplanted her but today i saw great improvement, Been giving light feedings of fox farm grow big with water ph'd at 6.7



Active Member
Woo Hoo another Papaya Grow! Cool!! I am using a 250 HPS too!!

Subscribed good luck and may the best thumb win :-)


Well-Known Member
ya thanks she doing good, she had a little accident when transplanting which i think set her back a day or two but shes starting to look good again.


Well-Known Member
day 12

Starting to really grow now, had an accident when she was transplanted which slowed her down.



Well-Known Member
day 13

really picking up the pace on growing, notcing alot of growth daily now....i think my transplant accident sent me back a couple days, so i would say my plant looks like its 11 days old rather then 13...but shes starting to grow great now



Well-Known Member
been a very long time since i last posted any pics, been really bad at the updating thing...but heres some current shots of my papaya girl as of right now....Very VERY slow start but has been growing extremely well recently, staying very bushy and healthy looking

