Papaya Leaf Problems


Active Member
These are leaves from a Papaya plant almost 3 weeks into flowering. They have recently started to loose their color and go a little yellow. I give them nutrients once every 3 or 4 waterings, very light. At first I thought I had a nutrient buildup so they were flushed heavily. They stayed green for a bit and eventually lost their color. They never really got it back with the light nutrients but it seems like there is some kind of nute problem. I also have been giving them doses of epsom salts every couple waterings.

1000w HPS
Promix soil
12 inch pots
Hesi bloom for soil
Hesi Phosphorous and Potassium additive
Carbo Load
Sugar Daddy
Root Juice(early)
water is left overnight to sit out and then PHed to 6.5 the following morning

any ideas?



Well-Known Member
I have been growing paypa for a while and they love nutes in late veg/flower, just get them back up to the nute schedual and they should be ok. if you are using PH down, stop 7.0+ ph has never hurt mine but everytime I use PH down with this strain in soil it makes my plants sickly.


Active Member
Have you solved your problem? I'm growing some bag seed in soil and I have the same spots on my leaves. At first I thought it was ozone damage, then I thought it was Mg deficiency. I put Epsom salt in my water and used a foliar spray, but it just got worse. Yesterday I poured some pH 7+ (1.5 tsp baking soda in a liter of water) through my soil and now it appears that the damage has stopped spreading.
