Lol CJ, you sure you're not on the dragon aswell?
Think fast!!!! How many toes am I wiggeling? Hmmm?! C'mon man! Stay with me here brother
Big P , for your next run make some goo. Take about 15 pods, for every pod use roughly 150ml of water.
Bring your water to a boil then turn it down just below boiling point. Let it steep in the water for about 2 hours or more ( the longer, the better ) if you can get your hands on some cheese cloth and a pair of rubber gloves. You can use the cheese cloth to strain it with and the rubber gloves will allow you to work with the material while its still hot and not burn yourself! get the thick latex ones. After its been steeping in the water strain through the cloth and put all of the vegative matter in it and squeeze the shit out of it so as to get all of the liquid out as possible. Get a pyrex baking pan ( the bigger the better ) and pour your liquid substance into it. Set your oven to 180F and allow it to evaporate most of the liquid,however, don't let it evaporate all of it. Once your down to maybe 15/20% liquid, allow for it to finish drying naturally. Set the pan aside for a day or 2 and once it done drying scrape away!
You cane put some on top of some bud and smoke it. Opium has the most lovely taste and smell.
The first time I smoked it was on a boat. My friend had bought some along for our 18 hour journey for black seabass. He said if I would smoke some he would have a few shots of JD with me ( he doesn't drink ) so it was a fair deal

It was the best cleanest high I have ever had. I can remember my very first toke, me, my friend and a rahsta mahn that we met on the boat. Even the jamaican was surprised at how clean of a high it was. As soon as we were done, I went inside the cabin and brole out my sleeping bag ( as did my friend and Mr Jamaica mahn! Aswell ) and slept for 4 hours on our way to the fishing grounds

Man I'm sorry. I'm flapping my gums like crazy

Do forgive me, I can't help it