Panic attacks strains + rep for help


Well-Known Member
A friend of mine suffers from panic attacks and is on various anti depressants, she wants to quit these persciption pills because of the nasty side effects she expirences.
Can anyone point me in the direction of finding a good strain to help her with these panic attacks?


Well-Known Member
I recently had major back surgery and was prescribed oxycodone. Aside from the fact that the drugs wreak havoc on your body, its jjust not an enjoyable high. I weaned myself off of them with G13. its a very potent strain and i believe it would probly be affective in your friends case. i went from not being able to sleep more than an hour or two at a time without the drugs to sleeping heavily through the night with a bowl before bed. No dreams tho lol


Well-Known Member
I would try a heavy indica, i used to have anxiety attacks and they put me on an antidepressant which didnt help me. They only difference i noticed was the antidepressant kinda fucked with my head and i didnt like that. I quit taking them cold turkey after about a year of being on them, and let me tell you that sucked bad, it threw me in a deep depression i had no idea existed.
if your friend decides to quit taking them tell her to do it slowly/ask her doctor to slowly ween her off. The only thing that kept me sane and not killing myself was my vape. Weed really really helped me You just hafta find the right strain for your needs.{I love every strain lol}.

Weed saved my life