Ahhhh, so it really is, is it? I thought for a second there you mighta just been being nice lol. Looks like I'll be going back to buy my second set of seeds then!
Kali Mist is a great strain. Only smoked it a couple times through a friend's friend's friend sorta deal, but man, that is jam fuel. I hear ya on the upbeat Sativas-- those are my favorite daytime smoke for sure. Gotta keep the groove going through the day, and indicas do NOT do that

That's why we smoke 'em at night!
I'm sure whatever you're growing over there it's gonna be something Mrs Medshed likes. Mrs Bobo doesn't hardly smoke at all. Just a little Romulan now and again when the cramps get bad. I guess growing up in a family of stoners, trimming weed since you were 6, and now dealing with ME is enough to keep anyone away from the whacky... except for her brothers-- they could set records for the amount they smoke.
Have a good one, Med!