Pandemic Canada 2020 - The response, the issues and problems

Order a mask online from china (see my posts) for when ya got to be in public and spend the summer at the lake as usual, this year on the government dole...

This is the best fastest hope IMHO, not the vaccine the treatment, should be ready by fall for regular folks and it should work. You'll get the bug, but ya most likely won't die from it, made for the elderly and vulnerable, gives the immune system some serious help. They are hiring like crazy in the Peg for this and have partnered with big US firms.

Until then there's the hot tub and the lake, roast, freeze and scream! It apparently works too...
I think will stick to the tried and true Donald's pool cleaner therapy.
I think will stick to the tried and true Donald's pool cleaner therapy.
Cures coronavirus every time, it can only exist in living people...
If you're older check out the medcram video on hot cold therapy, there is evidence and pretty good conjecture about it. That and vitamin D are the best ways I've found thus far that are supported by reasonable evidence and make the most sense to fortify oneself for the challenge. The longer someone can avoid catching this the better for themselves and society, new treatments, experience and a functioning hospital system will go a long way to aiding survival rates.
Cures coronavirus every time, it can only exist in living people...
If you're older check out the medcram video on hot cold therapy, there is evidence and pretty good conjecture about it. That and vitamin D are the best ways I've found thus far that are supported by reasonable evidence and make the most sense to fortify oneself for the challenge. The longer someone can avoid catching this the better for themselves and society, new treatments, experience and a functioning hospital system will go a long way to aiding survival rates.
Make bloodletting great again
Make bloodletting great again
No evidence base and besides, Trump sucks it from people and doesn't want the competition.
But hey, them folks will believe anything
I just wanna roast and freeze yer ass to build immunity (theoretically), but it would make great YouTube videos anyway, lots of screaming.
They wanna bleed ya white and if ya ain't white that don't mean they won't try harder!
Coronavirus outbreak: New facilities in Canada for more patients; Success of contact tracing

Eric Sorensen reports on the new medical care facilities being built in Canada to prepare for the rising number of patients. And Jeff Semple looks at how successful some countries have been in controlling the spread of COVID-19, by using a method called contact tracing.
The differences between the handling of the virus between US and Canada.

Interesting fact that New York state alone has more than nine times more infected than all of Canada.

Nobody, anywhere can blame this on time wasted on Impeachment. Remember, Trump was still calling this a hoax that would magically disappear in early March. The Impeachment was over in early February.
Order a mask online from china (see my posts) for when ya got to be in public and spend the summer at the lake as usual, this year on the government dole...

This is the best fastest hope IMHO, not the vaccine the treatment, should be ready by fall for regular folks and it should work. You'll get the bug, but ya most likely won't die from it, made for the elderly and vulnerable, gives the immune system some serious help. They are hiring like crazy in the Peg for this and have partnered with big US firms.

Until then there's the hot tub and the lake, roast, freeze and scream! It apparently works too...
Yes not complaining about my situation, I’m very lucky to be where I am. It’s more that I’m pissed at the the weekly expansion of shutdowns instead of just fucking looking around and seeing what happens if you do it now and do it right..... seems simple enough. Also I’ve got so much shit to do around here I stay busy.
The differences between the handling of the virus between US and Canada.

Interesting fact that New York state alone has more than nine times more infected than all of Canada.

Nobody, anywhere can blame this on time wasted on Impeachment. Remember, Trump was still calling this a hoax that would magically disappear in early March. The Impeachment was over in early February.
The right don't care about reality, they just care about poll numbers. I don't recommend it but you could check out Limbaugh's latest diatribe for other nonsense trial balloons the right are floating at this time to learn which lie works best for the general election.

Those guys are good at propaganda. I'll give them credit for that.
Yes not complaining about my situation, I’m very lucky to be where I am. It’s more that I’m pissed at the the weekly expansion of shutdowns instead of just fucking looking around and seeing what happens if you do it now and do it right..... seems simple enough.
seems simple enough

Except for simpletons who need it to be simpler. The hubris on display in Florida and elsewhere in the US staggers me. Those clowns are going to make it so much harder for us to live with the virus for the years it will take to develop, test and distribute a vaccine.

I hope that Canada's population does a better job -- than we are in the US -- of following social distancing guidelines.
The differences between the handling of the virus between US and Canada.

Interesting fact that New York state alone has more than nine times more infected than all of Canada.

Nobody, anywhere can blame this on time wasted on Impeachment. Remember, Trump was still calling this a hoax that would magically disappear in early March. The Impeachment was over in early February.
When your densely populated it’s bound to happen, living in a apartment ain’t so great now eh?
I wonder how many buildings there have a proper functioning HRV or MUA For the building and have the filters been changed more frequently now?
More propaganda and conspiracy theory’s! I do believe that is meant to be directed at soros
Except the Republicans even had to admit what was going on with the online attack on our society in their bi-Partisan Senate Report on the Russian attack on our democracy.

Screen Shot 2020-04-02 at 3.35.34 PM.png
So liberals can do it? But when republicans do it it’s the end of the world ?
Dear Leader broke the laws of our country when he asked a foreign nation to help him get political dirt on an American citizen for his political gain.


And he is so corrupt, and incapable of admitting he can be wrong, he doubled down on his criminality.

And then tripped down.... Which is why he is impeached for trying to get a vulnerable foreign ally to construct dirt for him to attack a political rival with because he is too afraid to compete without cheating.

lol but sure, 'the Democrats'....