pale leaves

big blues

Active Member
im using pots and soil with a 400 watt hps light, i am 1 week into grow stage and my plants were dark green wen 1st potted, the soil is very good and ph is reading 5.8. will using rhizotonic in grow stage affect the colour of my leaves because my leaves seem to be really light green and iv been told its a nutrient prob, im using hesi tnt grow and iv seen it work well for a mate but not sure if he used rhizo in the grow stage!! any help will be apreciated !!!!

Bubba Kushman

Well-Known Member
Pale color usually means it needs nitrogen. It could be the ph too. For soil it should be 6.0-6.8 and 5.2-5.8 for hydro. If the ph is off it cant take up nutes like its supposed to. I dont think the rhizotonic is the problem. The recomended NPK for pot in veg is 10-10-10 and 10-30-20 for flower. If you have a deficency flushing and then watering with a fert with a NPK close to those nunbers will usually fix it. Or you can add extra nitro to your mix to get the number close. Good luck with your grow show. Peace Out!