Painkillers 4, Marijuana 0


New Member
Hey, sorry TCG I haven't followed your link as I'm thinking it'll just be another article about deadly, addictive painkillers.

I never take pain killers, and I never suffer with headaches. Sure I'll get a pain in my head, but they will last a few seconds tops, then they're gone. I believe that headaches are a psychological reaction to stress.

I refuse tio have any respect for modern medicine so long as they continue not to recognise the medical benefits of cannabis, and make it legal FOR ALL.

Do you know if its legal to grow weed in Switzerland? I heard somewhere it was, and if it is legal, I'm seriously considering emigrating there.


Well-Known Member
Actiq has been associated with more than 120 deaths, including two involving children who confused the drug for candy.
that's a quote from the article....all i have to say is wtf.


Well-Known Member
Hey, sorry TCG I haven't followed your link as I'm thinking it'll just be another article about deadly, addictive painkillers.

I never take pain killers, and I never suffer with headaches. Sure I'll get a pain in my head, but they will last a few seconds tops, then they're gone. I believe that headaches are a psychological reaction to stress.

I refuse tio have any respect for modern medicine so long as they continue not to recognise the medical benefits of cannabis, and make it legal FOR ALL.

Do you know if its legal to grow weed in Switzerland? I heard somewhere it was, and if it is legal, I'm seriously considering emigrating there.
You are absolutely right SKH...I read maybe 25% of this article, and another article relating to the same thing.

I'm not sure about Switzerland, but you've peaked my interest. I want to get out of the US myself...and the sooner the better. The world is going to shit, and it seems the shit levees are breaking here first.


Well-Known Member
"Actiq has been associated with more than 120 deaths, including two involving children who confused the drug for candy"
it goes on to say that most of those were in the drug trials stage.... WELL DUH... Dont sell it...
When are they going to have medical marijuana drug trials?


Well-Known Member
well see the problem that cannabis has is, how? drug trials usually test the placebo effect to see how much of positive effect is actually the drug and how much is psychological. how do you give a placebo for pot? most drugs that are going through the process are pills that people have never so its easy to give a sugar pill and say it's the real deal. you can't do that for pot. pot is too distinctive in it's smell, taste and is too widely known.

besides who want to? drug trials are long, expensive and the pharma companies that might consider doing it wouldn't benefit from legalizing pot. Like hell the gov is gonna do it.


Well-Known Member
a plant can't be patented...and if xanax could be grown in your backyard the drug companies couldn't profit from it.

besides, since the lift of alcohol prohibition the US needs some kind of war to wage on it's own people. It'll never be legal on a national level.


New Member
a plant can't be patented...and if xanax could be grown in your backyard the drug companies couldn't profit from it.

besides, since the lift of alcohol prohibition the US needs some kind of war to wage on it's own people. It'll never be legal on a national level.
I don't believe that. The world is changing, peoples attitudes are changing. Weed can save the world, give us cleaner air. People would me more chilled, crime rate would drop badly. Hey, if we legalised ALL drugs, the crime rate would be non-existent.

In my country if you are a heroin addict, they give you free, clean needles. Free methadone too. They'll even provide a clean place for you to jack up in. The help is not there for cannabis users because the government and medical profession do not consider it a dangerous drug.
Yet their own drugs, painkillers especially, kill thousands of people every year. I refused the MMR jab for my kids, all of them. But they still keep sending pushy letters. Why are they so desperate to give our kids these injections? Then you'll get a news report saying that measles reports are escalating because people aren't sending their kids for the jabs. How can measles be escalating, when before the jabs most people got afflicted while a child? Everybody got it. Now with the jab, the news report should say that less people are getting measles. They do it the other way in an attempt to control your thoughts, the media are constantly telling us what and how we should think.

Media is the biggest weapon on the earth. Recently in my country the media attacked cannabis, yes WE know its all bullshit. But everyone else started to actually believe that one toke of a reefer can and does damage you psychologically. There are certain people, my gf's family in particular, that think because they are controlled by the media that they know what the fuck they're talking about. I do not get on well with these people, they don't like to hear the truth. For one thing, they heard it on the news, right.:weed: