I placed a small order with them, about $150.00 back on March 15. 3 days later they cut a shipping label thru the postal service, but that is it. I've contacted them more than a half dozen times to only get lip service; they blamed the delay on everything from COVID-19, delays in the postal service, and then they back tracked to, it takes 5 to 7 days for them to process orders but couldn't answer why it's been more than 2 weeks and the order isn't processed and had no idea when it would be. Hear it is April 2 and no reply on my email asking when the seeds will be shipped.
I suspect they don't have the seeds and I what they do send, if they ever send the order, will be junk or dead seeds marked with the name of seeds I ordered. I'd be really surprised if the seeds even sprout.
Looking back on the order process, the first sign of problems to come with Pacific Seed Bank should have been their payment method: buy a gift card thru a third party, sounds just like the scams you hear about on the internet.