Pa Growers

I've been looking at some new strains too. Any of you guys know anything about Serious Seeds White Russian? It's like $100 for 11 seeds but it's suppose to be the best of the best. Seems like everything from Serious Seeds comes highly regarded.
Do you spray? As soon as I take plants out I hit them with some Safer End All. But yeah they've been pretty bad. I don't spray my garden vegetables and my basil and bell pepper look like swiss cheese.

A lot of people don't like to spray with anything but neem, but End All is OMRI listed and I can't imagine there being any leftover residue this early in veg. I've hit them with a light spray all the way to mid flower and never noticed any apparent ill effect.
My ladies are doing well i suppose. Havent seen them in a few weeks though. Laid ferts and sprayed with azidirachtin. 24 confidential cheese and trainwreck :D
mine are looking good so far, got some nice resin rails on my gnomo auto. gonna try and get a couple pics.
I want to leave my plants outside for a little then flower but I'm afraid to leave it outside because the days aren't long enough
grows just getting to where I'm putting my plants outside (I started really really really late) too bad its cloudy almost every day atm around here (wilkes-scranton area)
Anyone know when can you grow outside in pa for flowering? Please any good advice would help.

I want to leave my plants outside for a little then flower but I'm afraid to leave it outside because the days aren't long enough

The days are about as long as they are going to get at this point. After June 20 the days will start gradually getting shorter and flowering generally begins late July to early August for most strains.
September. Outdoor plants don't flower at 12/12. If that was the case they wouldn't be finishing until December.
im new here, but been growing for 37 years in pa outdoors only.ive been growing the same 3 strains for 20 some years and im done in august rock hard buds no mold some years 2 week of September no later its all in the weather that year. my plants are no taller than 3 or 4 feet tall and get 1/4 lb dry weight rock hard buds. this year im adding 2 more strians but got 2 or 3 years of work to get them to do what my other strains do no mold and rock hard buds with 1/4 lb dry weight per plant and keeping them 3 to 4 feet tall and done in the end of august or 2 week sept. i see alot of people every year im growing this strian and that strian but they dont wont mold and they wont weight well thats not how to get that.if you wont weight rock hard buds and no mold plants you got work and time ahead of you once your there the work is over and you got the best buds in town, and done early,find some strains you like and stay with them and work with them then you will get what your looking got to remember one thing when you buy seeds from a seed bank remember your not getting what they say from that strain for one the strain was made some were else Latitude ,Altitude,Climate and food this has alot to do with the strain you got to ADAPT that strain to your soil ,climate,laitude,altitude,and food for a couple of years then you will have a good strain no mold rock hard buds and got to hybryd the strain and seed it 100% female seeds then your good to go any ? just ask good luck happy growing i got to go got to put out my last 15 babies i just started thats right planting babies from seed end of june they will be done no later then 2 week of sept.
i grew a Barneys Pineapple Chunk last year and cloned 10 clones then took mother plant and sprayed her with Colloidal silver to produce male flowers/pollen sacks then Collected that pollen and pollenated the ten clones this year i started the seeds and got 3 dif.phenotypes ,one is a skunk,2 some cheese smelling plant,3 a pineapple plant,all dif,looking
i have a question n hoping that someone can help please! i have pics will someone tell me how much grams will i get from this plant oproximatly its 3 weeks into flowering i stopped flowering it for a while because i wanted it to grow taller then changed my mind 2 weeks later and decided to flower it again its been doing good but i put a plastic over it the thicker clear kinds so itll be like a mini green house. will that help it grow better due to the heat?are som IMG_1737.jpgIMG_1796.jpgIMG_1793.jpgIMG_1788.jpgIMG_1795.jpg