P.P.P. x Blueberry x Sativa.(Full gro with pics)


Well-Known Member
A#1,,best you can buy,,wow,,awesome,,HoLE-Eeee Fuk,,did I say wow,,what a job you've done natmoon,,innovative and daring,,and a true beast,,looks incredible,,can't wait to hear what you get for a dry weight with these clubs,,and a smoke report,,and don't leave,,cuz I know you'll spot something when I need to know,,seriously,,cheers to you for an experience,,great thread,,

Keep on Growin

Hey hole thanks man for all of your support and for your cool comments all the way through.
I haven't been at any other sites just really busy with my other life lol:mrgreen:
So i wont be leaving mate.

I smoked some that i cut off a week or so ago and its very strong but to be honest i don't much like the flavour but that is probably because i have been spoilt for choice with my favourite all time pppxblueberry pure.
In my eyes and taste buds i haven't made anything better yet.

The plant is huge and i did gain more crystals by using the pppxblue as its mother and the sativa as the father but it just hasn't got that sweetness that i desire,slightly sour taste to it,funky fruity pineapple mixed with lemons kind of smell.

I know that some people prefer this kind of weed flavour though so maybe its just me,definitely has messed my head up and i can only assume that it will get better when its been properly dried and cured.
Missis likes it though as she is bored with smoking the other stuff.

Anyway dude glad you enjoyed the trip and the pics,missis has allowed me to take some pics of her tits out with my plant but i don't know after the recent nudity arguments if people want to see them or not:mrgreen:

Thanks again hole:peace::joint:


Well-Known Member
i want to make magic like you with my one bean and my one 400w do you think I have a chance based on what you have seen???
It all depends on the strain that your growing.
My original father plant was a tall mostly sativa that i created over the years.
The mother was the small pppxblueberry.
The plant in the basket is the resultant seed so you would have to have some kind of large yielding genetics to ever get the plant that big in the first place.

If your careful and trim and keep the light close,8",and use an airbasket or just drill a hole in the bottom of your pot and then place an airline at the bottom of the root system i don't see any reason why you shouldn't get great results.

Roots need air,a plants growth is often stunted into the flowering stage by soil compression and lack of oxygen to the roots.
This is why the basket is important in terms of size.

On my next grow i will test it out on the smaller pure pppxblues and see if they grow bigger than normal in the airbaskets.
I think that they will and that they have previously been small due to them not liking the soil compression that occurs due to top watering.

If you bottom water you get N build ups and salt build ups etc. in the soil that aren't flushed and then you have to flush anyway hence back to square one,soil compression.

Best of luck with your grow anyway,i will chck in to your journal when i can:peace::joint:


Well-Known Member
sorry about that one.... i was writing the post then i got side tracked for a few hours and when i came back i just figured id send it because i didnt think you would post more pics, but i guess you did..... sorry about that one nat, keep up the great work.

edit- your weed looks great!!!!! as usual
No worries dude.
I don't mind posting a shot that you ask for if you want so don't sweat it,its not a worry.
Thanks for looking in and commenting,it is appreciated:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
natnoon can I ask a random off topic question???.........I have this mutant that has clearly female hairs on her but in some random places it looks like a bit of a ball sac just one not two and its where a hair should be.....so is that a hermie or am I being to quick to judge?? this one got left outside last night and showed sex today so it wasnt a perfect dark...


Well-Known Member
natnoon can I ask a random off topic question???.........I have this mutant that has clearly female hairs on her but in some random places it looks like a bit of a ball sac just one not two and its where a hair should be.....so is that a hermie or am I being to quick to judge?? this one got left outside last night and showed sex today so it wasnt a perfect dark...
Sounds like it is to early to tell still.
Some plants do occasionally put out the odd ball here and there as they go along.
Personally if i ever had one that just put out the occasional ball i would just snip it of.
If it ends up with a lot of balls i would cull it and dry it and then just make some crude resin out of it with some acetone or pure alchohol.
I did have a look at your pics and i couldn't tell.:peace::joint:


Well-Known Member
Nat nat nat Holy shit im speachless just fuckin flabergasted u give me hope
Hey dude thats why i am here:mrgreen:
I guess i take for granted my own skills when others are struggling.
I am always wiling to answer any questions when i am here that is,haven't had much time lately.
So if you or anyone else needs help just ask.
Thanks for looking in dude:peace::joint:


Well-Known Member
Ok heres an effected shot of one of the pics i am going to send into soft secrets of my weed and my missis's tits.
Hopefully i will win some black label seeds:mrgreen:
Anyway pics have special filters on them as i know some people at this site dont like blatant nudity and i thought that making a bit cartoony would make it less harsh to those people.
The shots i am going to send into soft secrets will not be filtered:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Ok heres an effected shot of one of the pics i am going to send into soft secrets of my weed and my missis's tits.
Hopefully i will win some black label seeds:mrgreen:
Anyway pics have special filters on them as i know some people at this site dont like blatant nudity and i thought that making a bit cartoony would make it less harsh to those people.
The shots i am going to send into soft secrets will not be filtered:blsmoke:
nice shot natmoon,,looks like you got it goin on,,big titties,,and big buds,,I'm jealous:hump:,,good luck with soft secrets bro

Keep on Growin



Well-Known Member
nice shot natmoon,,looks like you got it goin on,,big titties,,and big buds,,I'm jealous:hump:,,good luck with soft secrets bro

Keep on Growin

Hey hole thanks for taking a look dude.
Took me ages to convince her to let me take these pics:mrgreen:
She thinks her tits are crap now she has had 2 kids but i still like them.
Hopefully i will win a packet of decent breeder seeds though hahaha.
Thanks for looking in hole and thanks for the luck send:blsmoke::peace::joint:


Well-Known Member
Ok heres an effected shot of one of the pics i am going to send into soft secrets of my weed and my missis's tits.
Hopefully i will win some black label seeds:mrgreen:
Anyway pics have special filters on them as i know some people at this site dont like blatant nudity and i thought that making a bit cartoony would make it less harsh to those people.
The shots i am going to send into soft secrets will not be filtered:blsmoke:

Those are my favorite kinda boobs...like tear drops!!!!!!!! yummy buds & boobs!!

And thanks for the reply about the sexing/balls...there are not pics of what I was speaking of in my journal....maybe today Iwill get a shot


Well-Known Member
thanks nat you've helped me since i joined this site haha!

by the way ... how much did u yeild from just the one plant bro?

niiice truly nice ....inspiration :)