I recently got some rooted clones on wednesday, 4 blue dream and 5 jilly beans, but a lot of them seem to be lacking nutes, phosphorus and potassium mainly, nitrogen seems to be doing completely fine, along with some turning leaves reminiscent of ph problems. I transplanted them on Wednesday into beer cups of roots organic original soil, and there growing slowly but they don't seem to be growing out of the deficiency. When I got them I originally planned on waiting 7 days of pure RO water before i started feeding, but noW I'm at day 5 and I really want to feed them some flowering nutes. How should I start introducing some phosphorus and potassium to them? Or am I just being too impatient? Also I'm running 24/0 light schedule wih temps from 68-80 and my humidity is ridiculously low at 16%. On a completely unrelated note how much does a cheap humidifier cost?