ozone generator question


Active Member

id like to hear anybodys suggestion on what size ozone generator i should use for a 14' x 14' x 9' room... (1764 cubic ft.) id prefer for it to be inside the exhaust duct which is going to be 12in in diameter..... thanks to all who give their input on this note.


Well-Known Member
Ozone generators are ok to supplement odor control but nothing beats a carbon filter. If you do install a generator in the duct work make sure you place a baffle box after it to mix the air with the O3 for improved result.


Well-Known Member
ozones are tricky to use, you do not want the air after it has passed through the ozone to go back into your grow.

and yes use a baffleling system to help effectively mix the exhausted air with the ambient room air as it leaves the system.


Well-Known Member
Im of a different mind in that i prefer to rely on ozone generators for the majority of the odor control,i was using carbon filters then venting outdoors,i now vent dirty air straight into a space that is occupied soley by a UV Ozone generator,that space is then vented outside,this method allows much smell to occupy a very small space & to be instantly shock treated with a very small generator.

I bought very large generators not really knowing how to use them or the difference between them,UV generators are the way to go,they are the only generators that give a real grow room application rating,humidity levels seriously effect the other design generators (corona discharge) that are ran off static electricity,i have both types & the UV models blow away the Corona models even though the ratings are drasticly lower with the UV models.

As Gangagoddess rightly pointed out there are serious complications with ozone generators,you can burn the hell out of your entire crop in a half hour,damage so bad they will never come back,i learned this the hard way,what i also learned is this,if you have the time to figure out how to properly incorpotate them into your grow op you'll say fuk carbon filters.

These are the models i have in use & i cant say enough good things about them,you will not be able to grow enough skunk to overcome this generator if it is used in a venting situation,just be sure to buy a back up bulb when ordering & clean the bulb once a month.

UV PRO 550 Ozone Generator Mold AUTO DETAIL Cars House - eBay (item 290236993900 end time Jun-14-08 04:55:35 PDT)


Well-Known Member
Panhead you really know what you are talking about when it comes to Odor and cooling.

I read your last thread about ac and the sub $200 digi 8000btu AC, Im on my way to homedepot to check it out, hopefully they have the LG model similar to your picture.

Thanks alot!!! +2


Well-Known Member
Panhead you really know what you are talking about when it comes to Odor and cooling.

I read your last thread about ac and the sub $200 digi 8000btu AC, Im on my way to homedepot to check it out, hopefully they have the LG model similar to your picture.

Thanks alot!!! +2
The lg digital models are awesome,i only paid $160 each for them.


Active Member
thank u evrybody for your opinion. i should have described my setup earlier... i plan to exhaust my 1764 cubic ft room with an ozone generator connected to the duct..(exhaust end). THEN the ozone treated air will pass through my carbon air filter...THEN exhausted out the window... how does that sound for odor control? ofcourse i will take into consideration the size ozone generator i need, and the size of my carbon filter also...


Well-Known Member
It is best to pull the air through the carbon filter first, ie. use it like a car uses a air filter.

Suck the air through the carbon filter, then the ozone inline then out the window.

Carbon filter - lights - ozone - exhaust


Well-Known Member
thank u evrybody for your opinion. i should have described my setup earlier... i plan to exhaust my 1764 cubic ft room with an ozone generator connected to the duct..(exhaust end). THEN the ozone treated air will pass through my carbon air filter...THEN exhausted out the window... how does that sound for odor control? ofcourse i will take into consideration the size ozone generator i need, and the size of my carbon filter also...
Remember to place a baffle box after the generator to mix the air or it will not be as effective. I would pull air through the carbon filter first I'm not sure what kind of effect ozone will have on the carbon ozone is very corrosive. Sounds like a solid plan though keep us updated.


Well-Known Member
yeah panhead.
you know your stuff.
did you see the thread i made on odour control?
i'm trying to get everyone to put their 2 cents in all the new growers to be able to see..


Active Member
Ozone gas injected in the input of the carbon will oxidize the organic vapour trapped by the carbon filter and extend it's life between 5x or 50x . The carbon is a catalyst for ozone reactions with organic gases and the result is enhanced deodorization and remediation of the carbon filter all in one step. The ozone will slowly reduce the carbon in the filter pack but not as quick as the filter becomes full and needs to be replaced.
Ozone can be used to9 remediate the carbon filters frequently or it can be injected to constantly maintane the carbon.


Well-Known Member
Ozone gas injected in the input of the carbon will oxidize the organic vapour trapped by the carbon filter and extend it's life between 5x or 50x . The carbon is a catalyst for ozone reactions with organic gases and the result is enhanced deodorization and remediation of the carbon filter all in one step. The ozone will slowly reduce the carbon in the filter pack but not as quick as the filter becomes full and needs to be replaced.
Ozone can be used to9 remediate the carbon filters frequently or it can be injected to constantly maintane the carbon.
how come no one else has thought of this? carbon isn't exactly cheap to replace.


Well-Known Member
even though its only his second post, he's using a lot of big words... so its hard not to beleive him :D

i, too, am an ozone enthusiast. I put it at the top of the grow room, upwind, and have a 3000 or 4000 uvonair come one for about 15 min every hour and a half or so. Though... 5 min. every hour would probably be better still. It couldn't have hurt the last crop too badly, i did yeild over 1 lb. per HPS.

This time around i'm deffinitely looking at having it in a box that is vented through about 25 ft. of 6" ducting and into the attic to vent out the roof. we'll see... i'm lazy so i might just put it in the room again.