
Well-Known Member
How many internodes should i have on my plant before i decide to flower it?
I would like at least an ounce off my plant.

I dont have any special lighting or anything, just some CFL's.

What would you guys reccomend for getting and ounce.....or 2...


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Id reccomend getting rid of the cfls...no funny stuff just being honest unless you buy the bigger 18 inch 2000 watter or biger cfls (actual watts not equal to) your gonn have a hard time getting 1/2 oz on a plant in a long grow and if its a soil cfl grow get a pillow and a blanket.


Well-Known Member
just get a hid dude its really worth it. No it really is! just like clf is worth it for replacing incandescent bulbs to save energy.


Well-Known Member
I really do not have enough money to invest in any lighting.
Everyone says to invest in better lighting...I CANT, some people do not have enough money for expensive lights.

All i have is CFL's, i planning on picking up a few more this up coming week.


Well-Known Member
save up until you get 130 get a 400W HPS from HTG
it really really really really is worth it.


Well-Known Member
Oneday i will probably be able to.

But right now i cannot.

What kinda yeild should i expect for CFL's and some good bagseed, if everything goes really good?


Well-Known Member
Okay, once again.

Can someone tell me what kinda yeild i should expect with CFL's, some good bagseed, and optimum conditions?


Well-Known Member
how many CFL's? i'd expect maybe a ounce or so, depends how many lights, what temp, etc. i'm using CFL's now since outdoors is just too cold and im trying to flower with CFL's. hope it works.


Well-Known Member
I tried a grow with 4 42W CFLS and 2 or 4 32Watts I forget... and I got less than a half... and spent over 130 on the CFLS... CFLs are cheep but you need alot to do good. so yea


Well-Known Member
Okay, once again.

Can someone tell me what kinda yeild i should expect with CFL's, some good bagseed, and optimum conditions?
You've been given your answer SEVERAL times. You're just not getting what you want to hear.

You're going to get negligible yields with CFL's. Nobody can tell you the EXACT number. I would say your lucky for half an ounce.


Active Member
I'm almost done with my first CFL grow and I am very happy with it so far. I have 280 watts with 7 bulbs for 3 plants. I'm on day 46 of flowering. They were only in veg for 3 weeks. Depending on the strain and the method of growing, CFL's are great.



Well-Known Member
bagmouth... i had 312 watts of cfls inch away....picked up a 250w hps and it damn near doubled in size within a week.... cfls dont penetrate like a hps.... I thought cfls were a better choice but once u go hps u never go back.......


Well-Known Member
It would be strain dependent as much as light dependent there is no way to tell how much you will get until you grow it out and see for yourself there really is no real answer to your question. I grew almost a 1/2 oz off of one sensi star clone flowered at 7 inches and finishing at about 11" with 2 150 w clfs once a few years back but I had a white widow in there too same height and all that gave me a lil less then a quarter so.....


Well-Known Member
so....... hps is the way to go i was gonna get those 150's cfls, but they were kinda expensive....plus my heat with 14 cfls were toppin 100 degrees...with the hps is hardly goes over 88 with my the door closed. I only have the 250.


Well-Known Member
as far as internoding (again strain dependent) the general rule of thumb is 4th or 5th inter node minimum for indicas where as sativas can be flowered shortly after they germinate