Active Member
It's been a good while since I've done some opiates, almost 5 months, injured myself at work & got a script for 20x 5mg Oxy's. Of course I'm enjoying them as who wouldn't? Anyways I've been indulging in different doses every time [10mg, 15mg, 20mg, 25(got super sick on that on) 15 seems to be perfect for me with some Alrazolam] & I seem to get audio hallucinations have you or some sort of thing going on with my ears. I'm vibbin to some rap, I can here it fine just got something going on in the ear department lol. It's been a while so this is normal yes? Not really worried or anything just wasn't sure if it was new. Normally get Oxy/Acetaphetamine but these were pure Codone. Any insight is appreciated. HS crew is always helpful.