Oxygenation with O3 not O2


New Member
So I recently bought some books on hydroponics and according to what I read 03 super oxygenates reservoirs and is better than using normal air 02.

03 = Ozone
02 = Oxygen

So I was wondering if anyone does this. If anyone has an ozone generator with an air exchange box that have the pumps in there and tubes run the reservoirs. Thus giving O3 to the water. I though about it and that seemed the best way of doing it to me.

Anyone do this and if yes does it work better?


Well-Known Member
Damn really huh, well that's fucked then. These damn books...
Cant believe everything that you read.

Wanna hear something funny?

A member here on riu said the average bulb life is 5 years!!! He was serious! :mrgreen:

So there ya go... Its all about experience..Hands on experience..

Trial and error, ya know. ;-)


New Member
Yea its just the whole process of publishing a book tends to weed out the misinformation...forums on the other hand are free game.

Slightly disappointing =/