Oxygen To Roots


Active Member
for soil why not just mix more perlite or vermeculite with the medium? im sure coco is enough to let the roots breath...why use a sythetic pump and tank system when a more natural method is avalible?
Seems the most common H2O2 is 29% these days. 3ml/ gal is recommended on the label. My reading has lead me to accepting as fact that rainwater has elevated levels of H2O2. It doesn't last long because the H2O2 is unstable giving up the extra oxygen molecule easily.
Plants do well with rainwater and everything just seems fresher after a good rain prompting me to try H2O2. My anecdotal experience is that the plants seem to like it. I haven't done any lab work to determine the effect on the soil biology, but the end result is good so I doubt I will. I think this is a case where moderation is key.
New grower so have you personally tried introducing h2o2 in minute amounts to the grow medium wether hydro, indoor or outdoor? If so what kind of positive and negative effects have you documented? Interested in this method but so many pros and cons feedback is awesome!! HaPpY ToKiN!
Have you personally used h2o2 in the grow medium and grow process and if so what kind of results have you documented and pros and cons? New grower need a little clarification Ty. HaPpY ToKiN!


Well-Known Member
Here is the low down on h2o2. You can either run benficials and maintain proper water temps OR use h2o2 on a regular basis. H2o2 will wipe everything out, your basically running a sterile environment. The only time you really need to do this would be in hydro if things get sideways. Running beneficials has benefits, as the fucking name would imply :) but there is a little bit of a battle going on between good and bad fungus and microbes,etc. If you can keep your water temps below 71 then you should be good to go.

I use h202 to sterlize everything after my cycle is done. Its fast, clean, and pretty cheap. I only add it during a grow if root slime or other things start to get funky. Its kind of like napalm. Hope this helps.


Well-Known Member
OK Guys, get over the h202. It is really not what I'm looking at. That goes for peralite also. Look I know that the air that we breath has a certain percentage of O2 in it and that can passivly be introduced to the roots by using an airier soil mix (perilite). And that a stronger percentage can be obtained by using H2O2 but what I would like to consider here is the possibility of introducing pure O2 into the root zone by way of airstone for short periods of time or at intervals that through experimentation such as blind or rarther side by side studies proves benificial. Nothing elaborate, unnecessary, just a couple of tests on fast growing plants.
By the way, I am a fan of both perilite and H2O2. don't get me wrong, and if you want to discuss iether well go ahead but think about pure O2 to the root zone just as we do with CO2.


Well-Known Member
Is it really necessary to pipe O2 to roots? After a billion years u think plants would've figured it out themselves?
We produce much more artificially than nature could ever think about producing without help. we can't change the process, that;s Gods domain but we can make the process more efficient. In fact we can do that quite well.


Active Member
In soil a 1/4 cup of 3% hydrogen peroxide per gallon of water will work wonders for this. You will see a difference overnight and it is great for the soil microbes.
Happy Growing
In Hydrogen peroxide, H2O2, the second O being a oxygen-oxygen bond, will kill the microbe life in the soil, I think its fine in hydro-environments in low doses.


Well-Known Member
What about filling up gallon size water jugs with tap water and pumping oxygen into them through an air pump and air stone for 24 hours. Then water the plants with that. Does that in any way provide oxygen to the roots?


Well-Known Member
yes and no. YOu could probably geet the same amount of o2 by just shaking the water jug. The temperature fo the water limits the amount of o2 the water can hold.


Well-Known Member
Actually I have experimented with using net pots + soil in a deep water culture and it worked great, another interesting thing I was debating trying out myself, was a guy placed a 3 gallon pot of soil in a 3" tall pan, filled the pan with water, and had an air stone inside the soil medium, at the end of the grow he posted images of his root mass, and it was amazing beautiful pearly roots, and almost no soil left in the bottom of the pot.

so yeah go ahead and try it, it will definitely be a little different than anyone else grow on this site, and you will have good results assuming everything else is good


Well-Known Member
I have used airstones for the last year and a half. I started by putting them in the bottom of the container with a net pot upside down covering it. I connect a air pump and run it during light hours. I eventually found the airdome by AutoPot and now I use it. The roots are always beautiful and wrapped around the netpot. Can't say how much it increases yield but someday I'll do a side by side to see.
Short answer...yes you can do it. it doesn't hurt a thing