oxygen for the experinced


Well-Known Member
i get unlimited 100% oxygen with a regulator i can adjust the litres per hour/min as i please. The oxygen we breath and pump into the dwc’s are around what 30%? what will the pros be of using this oxygen tank instead of the fish pump? High thc rate and bigger yield?


Well-Known Member
Id be careful using 100% oxygen could be more flammable then butane. I cant really think of any benefits maybe the plants might love it on amount of how much oxygen is available for them. But then again it might harm them as well due to the pure oxygen its getting. I hope somebody more knowledgeable on this can chime im interested my self. But please be careful with it its really could be turned into a EXTREMELY flammable gas.


Well-Known Member
If you do use it make sure you set your regulator on the lowest setting 1/64 or something you need a really good air stone I bought a ceramic one. I found it caused more issues for me and I put it back on the bass boat lol, also as mentioned your pumping 100% oxygen (HIGHLY flammable) into an enclosed space make sure you exhaust properly.


Well-Known Member
will take the famability into consideration. Maybe i should start an experiment journal? Give it a test run see how much oxygen these girls can take??


Active Member
I was curious on how well this would work to? isn't our oxygen only 17% pure and if you could get the roots 100% pure oxygen would it do anything?


Well-Known Member
I need to do some more research and maybe Heidenberg will step in here about the effects of 100% oxygen causing unwanted growth, you may have to run microbes I noticed some increased algae growth despite no light hitting the roots. I got impatient and said the heck with it
oxygen itself isn't flammable, it's an oxidator. Pure O2 isn't a fuel source, but plastic tubs/buckets are so as long as they dont catch fire (a hard task indeed) youre fine.

Huel Perkins

Well-Known Member
oxygen itself isn't flammable, it's an oxidator. Pure O2 isn't a fuel source, but plastic tubs/buckets are so as long as they dont catch fire (a hard task indeed) youre fine.
You beat me to it! Again people, oxygen is NOT flammable. In order to have combustion (fire) you need two things, a fuel and an oxidizer, period!

Bubbling puse O2 into your nutrient solution will only help if its O2 levels are too low. If not its just a wasted effort....

Dirty Harry

Well-Known Member
Breathing pure oxygen too long will scar and destroy the lungs.
Premature babies exposed to too high oxygen in an incubator will suffer blindness.
Medical use of oxygen "supplements" natural air. You breath a mix of natural air with the supplemental oxygen mixed in.
I assume the plants could be damaged. I can see nutes and root material being oxidized out.
Not to mention pure oxygen contacting petroleum products have a habbit of self-combustion.


Breathing pure oxygen too long will scar and destroy the lungs.
Premature babies exposed to too high oxygen in an incubator will suffer blindness.
This is correct. I'm a Respiratory Therapist, it's called retinopathy of prematurity. The air that we breathe contains 21% oxygen and 79% nitrogen (although there are trace-gasses in there too). O2 (oxygen) supports cumbustion; and 100% O2 can lead to oxygen toxicity, which can be harmful to every being, including plants.

Generally, you wouldn't wanna f_kc around with 100% O2 unless your severly desaturated and it's in a controlled environment...whereas it is considered to be a "drug" and need perscriptions for it.